MBCT Mindful Stretching Standing Postures Long MBCT
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MBCT Mindful Stretching Standing Postures
Dr Hagen Rampes
This is a 40 minute mindfulness stretching practice.
Practising mindfulness as taught in MBCT can prevent depressive relapse in people who have experienced recurrent depression and there is emerging evidence that it is helpful for people who have experienced other mental health problems.
The following is an extract from : Prashad J., Rampes S. & Rampes H. (2014). “Benefits of MBCT in treating depression relapse.” The Chronicle of Neurology & Psychiatry 17(2): 3-13.
Major Depressive Disorder is among the most prevalent mental disorders, affecting approximately 15% of adults. 50% of patients who recover from an initial episode of depression will have a subsequent episode, and patients with at least two prior episodes have a 70% lifetime risk of relapse. These high rates of relapse have been traditionally managed with a combination of antidepressant medication and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). MBCT has emerged as an alternative intervention for preventing depression relapse.
CBT provides acute treatment for mild to moderate depression and helps individuals to recognize that their thinking styles contribute to their sad moods and despair. While CBT’s focus is changing thought content, MBCT involves a characteristic decentering from automatic, negative cognitive routines e.g. rumination. MBCT combines the principles of mindfulness with those of CBT with mindfulness being the core component.
Mindfulness is a style of meditative practice that involves the intentional focusing of one’s attention on awareness of the present moment. The attitude that is cultivated during mindfulness practice is one of being a curious observer: noticing body sensations, thoughts, feelings whilst being non-judgemental, non-striving and accepting.
It was Zindel Segal (University of Toronto), Mark Williams (University of Oxford) and John Teasdale (University of Cambridge) who developed MBCT. The program was adapted from the 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn (University of Massachusetts Medical School).
People must be able to commit to a total of 45 minutes daily mindfulness practice. The MBCT program consists of eight, two hour weekly sessions. In addition, there is a day of silent mindfulness practices usually held between week 6 and 7. Group size can vary from 10 to 14 patients. The sessions can be delivered individually rather than in a group. One of the requirements for MBCT instructors is that they must have their own daily personal mindfulness practice.
MBCT sessions adhere to a similar format; each session commences with a mindfulness practice to ground participants in a “being” mode as opposed to a “doing” mode. Mindfulness practices include the body scan, various sitting meditations and mindful movement. An inquiry is held after each mindfulness practice on what participants noticed during the practice. Homework practice is reviewed in each session. A short mindfulness exercise “three minute breathing space” is taught as a way for participants to apply mindfulness skills in everyday challenging situations.
Dr Hagen Rampes
MBCT resources
UCSD Center for Mindfulness
Institute of Noetic Sciences
The Centre for Mindfulness Studies
Be Mindful
Neale Donald Walsh
What Makes You Happy?
Billions in Change
Thrive. What on Earth will it Take
Divine Cosmos
Dr Hagen Rampes
This is a 40 minute mindfulness stretching practice.
Practising mindfulness as taught in MBCT can prevent depressive relapse in people who have experienced recurrent depression and there is emerging evidence that it is helpful for people who have experienced other mental health problems.
The following is an extract from : Prashad J., Rampes S. & Rampes H. (2014). “Benefits of MBCT in treating depression relapse.” The Chronicle of Neurology & Psychiatry 17(2): 3-13.
Major Depressive Disorder is among the most prevalent mental disorders, affecting approximately 15% of adults. 50% of patients who recover from an initial episode of depression will have a subsequent episode, and patients with at least two prior episodes have a 70% lifetime risk of relapse. These high rates of relapse have been traditionally managed with a combination of antidepressant medication and cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). MBCT has emerged as an alternative intervention for preventing depression relapse.
CBT provides acute treatment for mild to moderate depression and helps individuals to recognize that their thinking styles contribute to their sad moods and despair. While CBT’s focus is changing thought content, MBCT involves a characteristic decentering from automatic, negative cognitive routines e.g. rumination. MBCT combines the principles of mindfulness with those of CBT with mindfulness being the core component.
Mindfulness is a style of meditative practice that involves the intentional focusing of one’s attention on awareness of the present moment. The attitude that is cultivated during mindfulness practice is one of being a curious observer: noticing body sensations, thoughts, feelings whilst being non-judgemental, non-striving and accepting.
It was Zindel Segal (University of Toronto), Mark Williams (University of Oxford) and John Teasdale (University of Cambridge) who developed MBCT. The program was adapted from the 8 week Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn (University of Massachusetts Medical School).
People must be able to commit to a total of 45 minutes daily mindfulness practice. The MBCT program consists of eight, two hour weekly sessions. In addition, there is a day of silent mindfulness practices usually held between week 6 and 7. Group size can vary from 10 to 14 patients. The sessions can be delivered individually rather than in a group. One of the requirements for MBCT instructors is that they must have their own daily personal mindfulness practice.
MBCT sessions adhere to a similar format; each session commences with a mindfulness practice to ground participants in a “being” mode as opposed to a “doing” mode. Mindfulness practices include the body scan, various sitting meditations and mindful movement. An inquiry is held after each mindfulness practice on what participants noticed during the practice. Homework practice is reviewed in each session. A short mindfulness exercise “three minute breathing space” is taught as a way for participants to apply mindfulness skills in everyday challenging situations.
Dr Hagen Rampes
MBCT resources
UCSD Center for Mindfulness
Institute of Noetic Sciences
The Centre for Mindfulness Studies
Be Mindful
Neale Donald Walsh
What Makes You Happy?
Billions in Change
Thrive. What on Earth will it Take
Divine Cosmos