Все публикации

Learning to Slow Down

What people think about Mindfulness

Being in the Present Moment

Welcome to Mindfulness Healing

Introduction to Mindfulness by Dr Hagen Rampes

MBCT Mindful Stretching Standing Postures Short MBCT

MBCT Mindful Stretching Lying Down Postures Short MBCT

MBCT Mindful Stretching Standing Postures Long MBCT

MBCT Mindful Stretching Lying Postures Long MBCT

Mindfulness of Sounds - Life Skill - Mindfulness of Sounds

Body Scan (Short) - MBCT - Body Scan (Short)

Loving Kindness to Others and Self - Life Skill - Loving Kindness

Mindful Walking - Life Skill - MBCT - Mindful Walking

Body Scan - Life Skill - Body Scan

Mindfulness of Breath - Life Skill - Mindfulness of Breath

MBCT Long Sitting Meditation 30 min: MBCT Mindfulness Sitting Meditation

MBCT Short Sitting Meditation 15min, MBCT, Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

3 min breathing space responsive: MBCT, Breathing Space Responsive

3 min breathing space: Mindfulness Meditation Practice, MBCT Breathing Space