Hank Haney Fixes A High Handicapper's Slice LIVE

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In this video, Hall of Fame coach Hank Haney — probably best known as the man who coached Tiger Woods for 6 years during one of the most dominating stretches in golf history...

Fixes a high handicapper's slice LIVE on camera.

During this LIVE lesson, you'll see the exact techniques the #1 slice-fixing coach in the world has used to eliminate over 168,000 slices...

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Without a doubt the simplest and best example of slice fix ever.


I had the good fortune to be selected for Hanks Teach the Teacher series probably 20 years ago when he was working with Tiger. I was the last student that day of filming. He did this same exact drill with me and had me hitting towering draws with my irons in minutes. Behind us were 30 instructors from across the country who paid to take his course. No pressure, ha!

To finish the lesson, he said “it’s against my better judgement to have us go to driver right now but let’s give it a try.”

I’m assuming he didn’t want me to lose the feel with a longer club but the result was the same. I was nearly hitting the ball over the net at the far end of the range. No joke, went from hitting low cuts 280 to high draws 320-330 that day. Of course I lost the feel within a couple rounds but am so glad I found this video bc THIS IS IT.

Hanks one of the best.


This is why its important to learn from an instructor in person. 40 years of slicing fixed in just one lesson.


The importance of listening to great instruction from a great coach. Difference between the first few swings to the last few was amazing. This guy is probably going to enjoy golf a whole lot more if he keeps doing this.


Probably one of the best instructional videos I’ve ever watched


I'm a slicer myself, not using any pro teacher advise i figured this out over time it was my hands not turning over leaving the club face wide open. Hank's drills and explanations as to why things happen is legendary. Wish I knew this or went to someone a lot sooner. Great video.


I recently took a lesson and had the same result. Slightly stronger grip and went from a weak fade to a strong push draw in one swing. I was able to replicate drawing the ball the entire lesson.

Putting it on the course this weekend, wish me luck!


A good example of why this guy is one of the very best teachers of the golf swing of all time. Epic improvement in just 15 minutes.


The pure joy of that man bombing it straight down the fairway curing a 40 year slice is everything! Now to try this to cure my 20 year slice! 😊


I've been golfing for 35 years and I've heard "instruction" from is the most accurate, simple and SENSIBLE way to fix a slice. Most instructors fall short of what's important....simplifying the problem, and simplifying the solution. GREAT instructor here


I watched it last night and went to the driving range trying today. This video is absolutely a game changer! It hits every single shot with solid impact. I only need to focus on how much close face I need on downswing


This shows so many positive things. It also emphasizes the correct methods to fix a slice, and also how important mobility and flexibility truly is. Stay limber folks.


Thank you for this video. I have played two rounds since I originally watched this and it immediately improved my game. I normally shoot in the low 90s. Since this video and changing my grip accordingly I have shot an 86 and an 84. Great teaching. Thank you.


As soon as I start missing on the fairway I always go back to this video. It has never failed me. Incredible instruction.


Took it to the course yesterday without a range session. Swinging to right field and turning my left hand down cured my slice. Also had to change to a stronger grip. This stuff works and isn’t really rocket science. Love this video


Went to the range this morning to try it out. It absolutely works! Made my day.
Best video I've ever seen on this channel.


I’m sitting in the golf course parking lot lot typing this. I am also a casual 30 year golfer. I’ve had a nasty slice the whole time. I’m getting back into golf again and I found these videos. I must admit, I was laughing through most of this, especially when the student gives a chuckle about halfway through the video that says “there might be an old man getting a club over his head”. But I digress, I went back to the range today and tried what this guys said to do and like that guy, I hit the first one right down the middle, 250 yards. Whole bucket, 80% were going right down the middle. I was hitting my 5 wood 250 yards by the end of the bucket. I felt it too, like the guys says at the end. Wow, this guy knows what he’s talking about!


How simple Hanks made an amateur golfer probably slicing 8/10 balls on the course to 5 stunning tee shots in the matter of 10 minutes is just beyond legendary! Goes to show you dont need hours and hours learning off a golf trainer👏


The best golf
Video I’ve ever seen, I’m parked outside the driving range wish me luck hahaha


First golf lesson I ever took, the teacher gave me one change, turn my left hand on grip. Changed my game forever.
