How To Fix A Slice With A Driver (So Simple!)

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Start Hitting Long, Straight Drives Down The Center Of The Fairway:

Here's how to fix your slice with a driver by this weekend... Before we fix your slice with your driver, I need you to understand what causes the slice to begin with. I see a lot of golfers who struggle with a slice who come to us with all kind of reasons as to why they're slicing the ball, and nobody emphasizes the most important part, which is that the club face is open to the path.

You need to understand that you don't hit a slice just because you're too far over the top. You don't hit a slice because you hang back on your right foot. And it's not because your ball position is off or because your setup is off.

You're slicing the ball because your clubface is open to the path, first and foremost. That's the most important part of any technique to fix your slice.

Watch the video to see how to close your clubface and start fixing your slice.

How To Fix Your Slice In 15 Shots:

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Totally thought that guy at the end was gonna take a ball to the melon. But in all seriousness, this was a super awesome tip. Very thorough but also informative.


If you listen to him and do what he says it works perfectly.
This guy corrected my slice of 15 years from one video. I hit my 2nd bucket today two days after watching this, and only sliced one ball!!! Awesome video!


This has to be the most perfect explanation of why I slice. Amazing video.


Hey Eric.
Watched this video about 2 weeks ago. Didn't really believe it, so didn't change the grip like you suggested.
Finally gave it a bash this morning and what da ya know. Bombing drives straight down the middle and actually starting to use fairways!!
Thanks so much.


I fixed my slice in ONE ball. Seriously, after 4 more balls I changed my swing path to inside out and the next 5 were straight down the middle, long or slight draw, something I have never been able to do before. Great instruction and tips. You fixed my slice and I can now enjoy golf again.


I just tried this at the range, almost immediately fixed. Thank you.


458, 405 views That's a lot of slicers lol...


Man you weren't kidden I just took your lesson out to the field. unbelievable results thanks for taking the time to make this very informative video.


Finally a video that’s to the point in understandable English in less than 10 min


I've seen dozens of these how-to-fix slice videos... this is the best one. So many so-called experts will have you change two, three or four mechanics at once in a swing. But this video hits the nail on the head. It's the grip!!! thx.


Really helped today at the range! I’d previously been adjusting my right hand to no improvement! (Right handed golfer)
I did notice that in addition to the strong left hand grip that I still need to be “low and slow” in the backswing to be straight. Great tip Eric, can’t wait to apply my new grip on the course!!!


Great video. Thank you so much thought grip was important but didn't realize it was THIS important.


This is great. Eric's teaching lines up well with Hank Haney's tips. Namely, strong grip (especially the left hand) and inside to out swing path. Beautiful!


I used to play with a strong grip when I was younger and I always hit a nice high draw. I took a lesson and the guy suggested i change my grip completely and it helped for everything except my driver. I can only hit a fade and my miss is a direct pull to the left or a completely dog shit slice. Putting my hands back to a strong position now is so awkward. but this was definitely the wakeup call I needed. thanks


I went to the driving range today. It was the first time I've swung a club in about 3 years thanks to problems with my back. I did surprisingly okay, but the slice that I'd worked so hard to eliminate on my driver was back. Gonna take me a while to get back into it, I suspect.


I watched this video and went golfing the next day. Changed my grip like you did, even over exaggerating the grip and I was crushing my shots with zero slice. It was unreal and even my two friends kept complimenting me the whole day because before this I slice my drive so bad I usually don’t even bring the driver... thank you for the video!


Amazing, my problem was all because of my grip, have seen many videos but no one has explained it so I would understand.
Just back from the range and after 100balls I had 3slices and some draws but the majority of the drives was deadstraight.. And as a bonus hit almost 50 yards further
You saved me.


Been playing golf for over 30yrs and always adjusted for my slice. Back 9s were the worst (grip), having to adjust more and more as the game went on. Made this one adjustment, hit a bucket of balls everyday for one week, and well sir, my slice is gone, and now I even have an ever so slight draw with ALL my clubs. I have had Zero slices with any club since learning this to muscle memory. This may not be the problem fix for everyone, but it’s exactly what I needed. Thank you.


would like to say ive been having the worst slice problem and i had no idea how to fix it. i watched this video and tweaked my grip a little bit to have a "stronger" grip as described in the video and im now crushing them straight. cant believe how minor of a fix could correct the slice. thanks!


Absolutely the best video I have ever seen fixing a slice. I fixed my slice in about an hour after practicing the club face directions you give in this video! Amazing!
