Top 5 Beginner Mistakes: Darkest Dungeon

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It's understandable that mistakes happen in a game with as much information as Darkest Dungeon. This video is here to help new players not fall into the common traps.

0:00 Intro
0:36 Mistake 1
2:13 Mistake 2
3:31 Mistake 3
5:50 Mistake 4
8:13 Mistake 5 and Outro
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"You need to start thinking of your heroes as pawns and tools, instead of valued employees" Ahhh yes. The Amazon approach!


Protip: Name your units so that you grow attached to them, so that it hurts all the more when they inevitably perish.


8. Thinking you're gona have fun in Champion level dungeons


Don't forget the most grievous mistake. Being overconfident


Mistake 0: Dismas and Reynauld not making it into the last chapter :(


12. Thinking arb's statistical advantage makes up for the fact that musketeer looks cooler


I will never boot my nervous kleptomaniac bois with penalties to their ACC or awful positive quirks i don't care they're my horrible problematic children and i love them and if i treat them like mere tools then the ancestor wins


I legit made it to veteran dungeons before I learned to click on the firewood to camp. I thought the game was just that brutally difficult.


I used to get very attached to my units, making it very difficult for me to kick the troublemaking ones. My sollution to this was telling to myself that I was probably doing those poor souls a favor by dismissing them from that cursed estate


Not recruiting atleast 12-14 lepers is a rookie move


The biggest change I did to improve my DD runs was to NEVER EVER touch books and bookcase, it made quirks management so much simplier.


New player: all of my guys are so cool and I'm going to name them and grow attached. We're going to take on The world together!

Experienced player: look, you're not my friend. You're my employee and bodyguard. Make it to rank 3 and I might learn your name. Until then you're spare blood.


The only two heros you baby and never boot ought to be Reynauld and Dismas. Buddies forever


I had a team of heroes I grew attached to, the healer was an occultist. The number of times that green 0 has appeared is baffling, but that 22 is also a lifesaver.


On Darkest difficulty; we don't boot heroes, we send them off to their deaths for that sweet sweet 5% bank income because the sigma grind ALWAYS take priority over pawns.


Another early mistake is not re-stacking inventory to make room, like what happens at 8:35, where there are 3 stacks of torches that can be combined into 2, and has an empty inventory slot after looting. Easy to overlook.


Trying to unlock all the skills for every recruit. It becomes a very quick money sink in the early game and can suck away cash that would otherwise be used for armor/weapon upgrades.


Scouting has to be the most important stat, prevents being surprised and allows for informed decision making


Forgetting useful item buffs like holy water and dog treats. Holy water can be a lifesaver especially against enemies like the Siren. Don’t be too attached to your dog treats. If the fight is tough, use it.

Camping too late. Camp before your party is too stressed. Afflicted heroes are absolutely horrible for camping.

Thinking that an arbalest with bandages or a crusader’s off-heals will carry a party’s healing.

Miscalculating food needed. This typically occurs when the player fails to notice a tapeworm or a stressed stress eater. They assume that the next food check will need 4 units until it’s too late.

Bringing bleeders to the cove/ruins or bringing blighters to the Weald/warrens. Generally ignoring the resistances that can be easily checked.

Not paying attention to enemy types and negative quirks. Bringing heroes with Fear of Beasts to the Warrens for example because they didn’t realize that the swine folk are both beast and human type enemies.


The part about overusing Vestal was more correct than a lot of people realize. I recently started a new save file, and in week 5 I got an unfortunate shambler encounter while doing a torchless sweep - I managed to kill it, but sacrificed my Vestal in the process.
For 12 weeks after, no Vestal showed up in the stagecoach. Although at first I was dismayed, I quickly found out that not only do I not need her, she actually holds a lot of my teams back. Having 4 fast party members to kill 2+ enemies before they get to move means I don’t need anywhere near as much healing, and arbalest’s bandages work wonders on anybody who tanks a crit or two.
Fights are so much shorter now, and I’m playing around with classes like crusader and occultist, who I never would have tried if not for the necessity. Losing that vestal was the best thing to happen to me on that save :D
