How Do I Write A Screenplay?

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Hey Austin! I found the surprise. I dont have a library card but i will be sure to get one! Right now i have to get back to class at 2. Thanks for the adventure, love your videos.


For a screenwriting exercise my favorite one that I’ve heard of is taking a movie you enjoyed and then rewriting it with the antagonist as the protagonist. Kind of similar to what you said (taking your favorite movie and writing a screenplay for it w/ changes you want to make) and this one really gets the creative gears turning


You should call this show Austin McCronicles


My favourite character building exercise (courtesy of my screenwriting class) is this:
1) Pick a historical figure, portrait subject, acquaintance, character you've made up, etc.
2) Ask yourself who this person is. What do they want? Maybe write a monologue in this vein.
3) Now ask yourself how they are the antagonist in someone else's story. Maybe write a monologue from this perspective. How does this change? How does this affect how you will approach writing this character in the future?


You said it, right there at 0:09! “What it takes to make stuff” that the name of the show!!!


Not even really interested in anything like this but I love to learn about stuff and I just love whatever you post, keep it up man. Always checking back to your channel to see if you posted


I took a Screenwriting class around 2 years ago for my major, so this is a nice refresher. Seeing the old Screenwriter's Bible was also a real memory trip. Great video as always!


6:38 “What if a relatively young person suffered a stroke and had to battle his or her way back?”

Man, going back and watching this years later, that’s crazy. You are literally living this. You *have* battled your way back. I’d love to see a video about how Sprouting-Orchids-Austin’s expectations of this concept compare to post-stroke-Austin’s experiences.

Love your videos!


My English teacher used to always quite an author she really like you said, “ I hate writing, but I love to rewrite” and I feel like your advice to write your first draft as fast as you can and to not wait for perfection reiterates that. From my experience it’s always easier to just write something down without over complicating it at first alleviates a lot of the stress you feel about starting something as writing a screenplay. As always I truly enjoyed your videos Austin. Thanks!


During the outlining process, writing scenes you come up with on index cards and then putting them in what order you want is a great way of avoiding writer’s block! You don’t have to write beginning->middle->end but instead just write whatever scenes you’ve come up with so far.


For your 1 million special you need to make a video about you reading that book that you spent so much time hiding


I don’t write screenplays, but I just thought I’d throw in something that helps me write rough drafts: I make the text invisible. On Google Docs it’s as easy as just making the font the same color as the background, can’t say anything for other programs because I don’t use them.
The invisible text stops me from being a perfectionist, and lets me just get the story out first.
I didn’t come up with the idea, but I still figure it might be useful to somebody. :)


I love watching your videos because you always end up teaching me something or you give me a new perspective on a subject, I’m always happy to see a new video from you.


Hey, Austin. Thank you for making these videos. I'm not a screenwriter, but I am working on a few short stories to eventually gear up for a full novel. People like you who are legitimately passionate about their craft give me inspiration to try and fail and try and fail and try and fail and hopefully one day succeed.


This video came out almost exactly a year ago and I found it just as I am writing my first screenplay. This is perfect, thanks Austin


i don't really write and i still watched this. not because i was bored but because honestly you're just an entertaining person to watch.


I never had any plans of writing films and i probably won't have, but i still watched the whole video because i love watching you Austin, whatever you're talking about, you're amazing austin


Congratulations on the silver play button!


We need more teachers/people like you.


Great video! I'm a film student so I already know most of this but I haven't written a screenplay in a while and this gave me a great refresher.
