LumiLor Electroluminescent Paint

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Now you can paint with light...
The LumiLor electroluminescent coating system is a sprayable EL solution that can cover almost any surface with a light emitting paint.
Imagine the possibilities!
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Thank you for the kind words. I'm the guy that developed LumiLor. It was a pretty intense couple of years with layer upon layer of problems to figure out. It is indeed very gratifying to see people's reaction when they see it in person for the first time. Thanks again - and stay tuned - we've got some new tricks we're working on in the lab to take LumiLor to the next level...


Very impressive . Having seen the conventional electrolum systems, what 10 / 12 years ago in the UK being used for dash board details very impressive the technicial problems / madnesses you have been able to overcome . Keep up the great work .


This is absolutely awesome! I as well hope it will become open for the public one day, as the current pricing and quotation policy isn't really going to help sales a lot :S


Pretty much spot-on.

It takes some pretty expensive practice to get competent at applying it. A one week course is enough to get the basics, but it takes about a month of practice to really get a handle on it. Then there's advanced topics...

It really isn't as simple as just shipping paint. We need to develop professional video tutorials and study guides and train and staff a support center just to handle the flood of calls we'd get. We're just not there yet. When? ASAP. We're working on it.


Also, this will become evident and animosity will build.


Each job has to be evaluated as a one-off design, and that can go from mild to wild in a big hurry. It isn't just how much area is being lit, but how many discrete "fields" there are, how many layers, animation concepts, support electronics, top coating requirements - the list goes on. It'd be great if there were just a couple simple rules of thumb, but the reality is that you're actually doing two paint jobs - the lit portion and the custom paint over it - and they have to work together.


Hi also explained how to do the electric circuit to provide power to the object? and the various layers of paint to use?


No, actually, the price of the materials does a pretty fair job of controlling the price as it is. For just a couple of examples - some exotic types of phosphors we use can cost as much as $18, 000 per kilo, while another component goes for $300 per 8 ounce can at the hobbyist level. It's going to be awhile before LumiLor gets price competitive with your garden variety can of Rustoleum.


I guess I can see how applying this stuff would be kind of complicated: if the paint layers are similar to traditional EL sheet then you'd need to paint on two conductive layers, but keep them insulated from each other with the layers in between. Miss a spot and the whole thing shorts out, right? Failing to illuminate and possibly burning out your EL driver...
Well, I hope one of these days it'll be something I can try instead of just hearing about it on the internet.


This stuff is AWESOME! Any thoughts on pricing yet?


My guess is their using Silver nanowire paint as their top layer.


pricing from what i see is fairly crazy, 400 to coat a skatebaord., which is about the same surface area of a motorcycle helmet or a gastank.


Nope, there is no grand conspiracy to artificially control the price - as I said in another post, the price of materials alone does a good enough job of that. Even though we now have the process patented, ultimately there will be competitors. All we can do is keep working on being the best - and we're doing that every day. Price is always an issue - and we're working on that as well. But you also get what you pay for. Do you really want a cheap paint job on your favorite ride?


Why can we not just buy the paint and apply it ourselves?


We haven't found that to be true at all. It takes a competent pro with a spray gun about a month of pretty dedicated practice to get "comfortable" applying it, such that they know the basics and can begin developing their own particular style. Everybody learns their own pace, but that's about the average.

It would cost the average DIY-type over $1k in materials alone to get enough practice to start getting the hang of it.

Please be a patient. It really isn't as simple as just shipping paint.


well you better hurry others are right on your tail lol


It sounds as though this product is still impractical for a paint-on ceiling lighting application, If you are unable to quote a price for, say a 12' by 12' ceiling, it s highly unlikely your company has a future.


Oh BS, The hobby people know there is trial and error when working of stuff. That's part of the fun of DIY. I would say the reason they don't release to public is to control price. Give it time, people will figure it out.


Or just sell us the paint and let us trial and error with our money.
