Student To Ben Shapiro: Is Jewish INDIGENOUS Claim To Israel A Strong Argument?

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Israel belong to the people who built it, not those who want to destroy it.


Someone once wrote that the true owner of the land is the one under which the land blooms. The Jews certainly transformed the land and invested in the land and helped make the desert bloom, and planted more trees relative to its size than any other nation.


The secular arguments for the ownership of the land of Israel are good and is enough to verify the ownership of Israel by the Jewish people.
The religious argument can only be taken from the Bible (Torah), since Jerusalem is not mentioned in the Quran at all, not even once. The Islamic claims are therefor all lies.


There has always been a Jewish presence in the land for 1000s of years, on the other hand Islam did not completely conquer and colonize the land until after 1250.


Balfour and the League of Nations agreed unanimously that the land belongs to the Jews. This was understood from history, archaeology, the Bible and Quoran. Nobody disagreed until 1964 when the arab squatters changed their named to Palestinians at the instigation of the KGB.


The Jews are the indigenous people of Israel as constantly
states in the bible. 🇮🇱🇮🇪🇮🇪


Literally over a hundred of international borders have been defined and/or redefined and countries created and redefined since 1947 by international law (thanks Wikipedia). These borders continue to be observed and their countries recognized by the international community. The ONLY one that has been contested by ONLY terrorist groups and regimes is Israel. Though the historic claim is undeniable, the FACT that the country like so many others has been created is not up for debate. Israel has the right to exist and to defend itself from all threats domestic and international.


As a descendant of the original Philistines, l support the Jewish claim to the land.


The Jews won in ‘48 and every war since then, and to the conquerors go the spoils. This holds true in every country around the world throughout history


Also, ALL the land of 1947 Israel settled by Jews was legally purchased by Jews. And the land was majority Jewish. AND the UN created that State. No need to appeal to sacred texts, or even past history.


Also, Arabic culture isn't endemic and tied to that land. They try to make abig deal of Al Aqsa, but it's not one of the founding sites of Arab or Muslim identity. In fact, it's a deliberate superimposition of Islam on a pre-existing holy site, like how Hagia Sophia was turned into a mosque or how mosques have been built in place of Hindu temples in India.

Jewish cultural and religious identity, on the other hand, is closely tied to that specific little area.


"The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese... Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons, Jordan, which is a sovereign state with defined borders, cannot raise claims to Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian, I can undoubtedly demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem. However, the moment we reclaim our right to all of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to unite Palestine and Jordan.“
— Zuheir Mohsen (James Dorsey, "Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden", Trouw, 31 March 1977).


Its fascinating that we now live in a time that Palestinians have never lived in Israel and trace their roots back to the Arabian Penisula, are called indegenous, while the jews who live in Israel their whole life and can trace their roots back to Israel are called Foreign Occupiers...


J.Tv: Jewish Ideas - the Asian student showed discipline and respect to both, BEN SHAPIRO and the Jewish and Arab communities in the audience by expressing his question in a manner that would not offend either parties, but at the same time receive an honest factual explanation on the subject. To all you, liberal nincompoops, listening to this clip, this is how you go about asking questions and receiving answers, rather than trying to attack the person, race or gender in an uneducated, insane way.


Why do they have to explain their origin and lineage? To prove a point to whom?


From a Jewish perspective, the Roman Empire forced the Jews from their land. Then a series of other empires forbid the Jews from coming back to their land. There was the Byzantine, and then various Islamic empires. The after WW1 the British Empire took possession of this land and allowed some Jews to return to the Land of Israel. Then the British Empire began to collapse. What was happen here was a process that took around a hundred years. It was the end of all empires and rise of nation states as the important economic and political organizing entity. Because of this dramatic change after about 2, 000 years of history, the Jews were able to regain their possession of their land and once again were able to have a free nation state. So, it's not so much the indigenous concept at play here, but rather because of the collapse of imperialism after 2, 000 years of history that banned Jews from living in Israel, that they were able to return and reconstitute their independent state. And the Zionist movement was a Modern Jewish anticolonial, anti imperialist liberation movement that is actually very ancient at the same time.


Israelis speak Hebrew. The Arabs already have their own states.

Supporting Israel gives us more ethno-linguistic diversity in the world (just like supporting Natives in the USA and Australia does).

So yes, the land belongs to Israel just like the Arabian peninsula belongs to the Arabic speakers.

Have your own language = Have your own state.


If Jews cannot make the claim to the land b/c of being indigenous, then how can Palestinians? Also, because we are dealing with far lefties who would support any other indigenous people having their own country, it is very dishonest Israel is denied being indigenous. For me personally, though I am open to other opinions, the indigenous factor is a very strong argument. What else connects people to their land?


So enjoy your clips...I stand with Israel...God Bless


The greatest claim to the land is Mandate Palestine (July 24th, 1922). Mandate Palestine partitioned 'Palestine' into an Arab division and a Jewish/minority division. The Arab partition became sovereign Jordan in 1946 and the Jewish/minority partition became sovereign Israel in 1948. Jordan is the Arab partition of "Palestine" and Israel is the Jewish/minority partition. All Jordanians and Israelis are "Palestinians" (inhabitants of former Mandate Palestine). (Reference: Mandate Palestine: July 24th, 1922 and the Transjordan Memorandum: Sept. 16th, 1922; ute possidetus juris).
