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Best advice ive ever heard is if somebody likes you more than a friend youll know, if they dont youll be confused...thats never failed me.


i just confessed to my best friend and we started dating 🥰

EDIT: we broke up i dont recommend Yolo tho


Coming from a guy who's actually told one of his best female friends that he had a crush on her and got rejected. If the friendship actually means anything and you both put in effort, the friendship can come back to what it was. Trust me, me and my friend did


I told him I like him, but he didn’t really say he didn’t like me back and we’re still friends just not as close as last time. He never really said he liked or didn’t like me (Can I say this was a year ago about, now in a different school year too, we are best friends)


I first confessed to my bestie 4 times and we were still besties 😂 we started dating and now we’re married with 2 kids ❤


I told my best friend and no he didn't like me back but I was willing to take my chances but we are still very close, he is the type of friend to keep in your life 💕


Asked her and we're still best friends for 2 years now and we had no awkwardness at all, a day after i asked we went back to how we used to be and we're the best of friends rn :)


Ahh been friends with this just simply incredible person for almost 10 years, more than half my life… I think I’ve been suppressing feelings for her for a while, but she got out of a relationship a while ago and I was the first person she came to for support. I’ll always be there for her as a friend first, but there will always be a part of me that has feelings for her. We’re going to talk in the morning so I guess we’ll see what happens?


I’m scared to ask her, I am scared of rejection and losing her—


My story:
So I've had this friendship with this guy for 3-5 yrs. We met through a mutual friend during the summer. It was the last time we saw each other (for a while). Several months passed (or a year), and we found and followed each other on social media! We chatted on ig here and there. At first we were only friends. I only considered him as a homie, bro, buddy, etc.
Then after several years of not seeing each other in person we met up again! After meeting for the second time we started to text more frequently. Like we would go months without texting, and now we texted almost every week or 4 days.
I started to get attached and grow feelings for him. Idk it was weird at first b/c I only saw him as a friend ya know. Maybe it was the constant texting or because I missed him after not seeing him all that time. It's funny how i went from telling him everything to asking my friend's advice before telling him anything. I've tried to tell him how I feel, but i always chicken out. And well this last time I messed things up. 😔 I was gonna tell him how I felt, but instead I told him we shouldn't be friends anymore. I know it was stupid of me, but I only said that out of fear, confusion & insecurity. I'm sure I hurt him, because we haven't talked for abt a month. I did send him an apology text. He hasn't seen it tho. It just says "delivered". Well that's all. Any advice or prayers would be much appreciated. I really care and like this guy. However, idk if it's best to move on or try to reconcile.
Anyways, hope you have a great and blessed day! 💖🌷😊


I confessed to my best friend and I am kind of rejected but I am happy with it....


Basically I’ve been in love with my guy best friend for 3 years, and I’m absolutely in love with him. But I also love having him as a friend. And he also gives me mixed signals. Guys help me 😭😭


I'm a Bisexual Male and I like my Best Friend. I've known him for 10 years now. I've liked him since the first day I met him in training class at work. Ive never told him, came out to him as Bi and he says he isnt into men though I question that. Lately the feelings have been really getting me. He moved to Arizona and I find myself missing him a lot. I even cry about it. I love him and he doesn't even know it. I told a mutual friend who eas shocked and never thought I felt that way about our friend. I think I'll just leave it be and trust in the Universe. If it's meant to be it'll happen and if it's not it wont


Thanks for the advice!! ✨️
Just needed someone to motivate me.
Some of the best relationships in this world come from friendship.


my therapist told me this
bit of background info
me and my best friend have known each other since the sixth grade (we’re still in hs) but global pandemic shits made us drift apart but last year i decided to talk to him again and fr the best choice i made, my friends were like bro u say u dont like him but GIVE IT A FEW MONTHS spoiler they were right, its a weird feeling ngl bcs i dont like like him but i do its like if you wanted to kiss me i would but heres the thing
he has a gf and im in a situationship
anyway one day i brought up my situationship w my therapist and i was rambling and he asked me abt the rest of my friends and started talking abt my best friend and dude IM TELLING U he felt the tension and was like girl do i tell u or are smart enough to realize on ur own

thing is that falling for ur best friend its hard and dumb and stupid and i hate it but its also so beautiful and when u know theres mutual pining but neither of us are like brave enough to just be like “lets do this”

(pining is sorta mutual and honestly he doesnt like his gf he just likes the attention she gives her which is sad for the gf and ive talked to my bsf abt it and well he seems to start to realize that he is hurting her)

anyway what my therapist said was “picture yourself in 50 years. where do you want to be? telling your grandkids abt how u never did anything abt your feelings and still lost the friendship? or maybe just maybe be with him? because from what i hear yall are mature enough to give itva shot and if it doesnt work you will still have the friendship and if it does you will have the best young romance ever

shit my therapist its a wise dude


i’ve been friends with this girl for 4 years and we get along rlly well she isn’t my normal “type” i guess but that’s probably what made me fall for her more bc i fell in love with her personality first then the way she looks which to me made it more meaningful. But i’ve liked her for over a year and tho we hang out and talk for hours and i have hinted at it a lot she either is oblivious or ignores it bc she doesn’t see me like that. when i was a freshman before i became friends with her i dated this girl that went on to be the girl i like nows best friend. I have a really good relationship with her parents and her brother is a good friend of mine but her mom told me one time that she thought about dating me but she didn’t want to feel like a second choice to the girl i dated freshman year which i regret so much and i understand and would never want her to feel anything less than a queen. i think abt her all the time but it’s never gone beyond friendship with her but now we are going off to different colleges and i want to just confess to her how i’ve felt all this time and how much i care abt her. even without any expectations of dating bc of long distance i just know i need to tell her. I’ve thought abt bringing it up after college but if i wait i may never get the chance. it feels good to open up about this.


I like this guy and well.. on Valentine’s Day I asked him if he had a valentine and he said “well last period a found out a girl I like likes me back so I guess.” And that’s what I’m going through; the indecisiveness of deciding whether or not to lose him as a friend or miss my shot.


Not sure if i like him romantically per se, as I'm not sure what that is like honestly, but I'm just so grateful to have him. I felt this spark as soon as i met him. Hes opened my eyes unlike anyone else abd im grateful hes come into my life.


Don’t admit to them unless your a lot older like 17+ and could actually have a good relationship with them. Anything younger wouldn’t really last, and if you were to break up you wouldn’t be as close. On the other hand, there’s a chance they won’t even like you back, and it just gets awkward


Shes 6 years older than me, my boss, she’s my best and only friend. She’s everything to me. My ride or die. Thee most meaningful connection I’ve ever made.

And I know it would either go perfectly and we would get married. Or I would lose my life’s best friend. Cause it would never be the same once that’s out. She might be able to handle it, but I wouldn’t.

She’s all I got, and yet I can’t help my stomach churning when she talks about other guys. My heart flutters when we talk about getting married if we both have not found anyone 5 years from now.

I need helpppp
