Science-based targets – A new methodology to set corporate climate targets in line with 2ºC goal

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In a joint effort, CDP, the UN Global Compact, WRI and WWF launched the Science Based Targets initiative to engage companies in setting ambitious GHG reduction targets as a response to the urgent call of the IPCC to decarbonize the economy. Ecofys was commissioned as consultancy partner to support the development of a new methodology to guide companies in setting science-based targets.

In this webinar Giel Linthorst will present the developed methodology, called the Sectoral Decarbonization Approach (SDA). Next to this, he will also present the results of applying this SDA-methodology to various multinational companies and highlight some specific cases.
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You guys better hurry, We are at 1.06°C of warming since 1880 and at 1, 26°C of average global warming since 1750, the beginning of the industrial era
