ATV/UTV Winter Gear Checklist

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How do you like to gear your ATV/UTV for the winter? Let us know what you're doing in the comments below.
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Transcript :
Hi guys it’s Ken from 4WheelOnline!
Today we’re going to talk about how to gear your ATV or UTV for the Winter. The cold months are coming up and getting the right equipment can be the difference between getting stuck in the snow and having a blast plowing through the fresh powder.
The first thing you want to consider getting is a Winch. The Winch is going to give your ATV or UTV a ton of utility in all 4 seasons. In the Winter it can pull you out of the snow, up an incline, or operate your snow plow. You can mount it with a mounting kit or by getting a bumper that has mounting options for a winch. We recommend a bumper because it looks badass and protects your rig.
After that, you definitely want to get a snow plow for the winter. In fact, an ATV plow is one of the most useful tools you’ll have to lay the beatdown on Old Man Winter.
You should select the size of your plow based on your ATV or UTV. You don’t want to select a plow that is too wide for your ATV. If your ATV is under 450cc you don’t want to go with a plow wider than 50 inches, although the larger machines can handle that without a problem!
You should also consider your engine displacement when considering your blade height. Larger machines can handle the extra load and capacity of a taller blade, while shorter blades will be much easier to push. Most blades will range from 14 inches for a short blade to 24 inches on a tall blade. Pick one that’s a good match for your engine displacement and plowing needs. If you are looking for a good plow brand to go with, take a look at Pile Driver.
Now, instead of spending the money on a manual plow lift just use an ATV winch. That way you are spending your money on an accessory that can be used year round, not just in the winter. Remember, a plow lift can only do one thing. Winches also lift that plow incredibly fast, you won’t even have to take your hand off the handle bars.
Increasing your traction is as simple as adding a set of tire chains. For snow we recommend V-bars so that they can bite into ice and hard packed snow. Just be sure to take them off when you get on hard surfaces like bare concrete. They are for extreme applications only.
Now, those are the 3 most essential things to get to survive in the winter, but if you plan on keeping yourself more comfortable there are a ton of accessories to keep you warm for a long snow day.
To keep your hands warm you can go with some simple hand mitts that easily attach to ATV or UTV handlebars or even some heated handle bars.
Adding an ATV or UTV Cabin is an easy way to make your ride more comfortable in the winter as well, but it has the added protection for other seasons too!
Finally putting a windshield on your ATV or UTV is a must have if you are interested in protecting yourself from the elements. You wouldn’t drive your car without a windshield in the snow!
That’s it for our Winter Gear Guide but before you get out there here’s a few pieces of advice.
First, don’t plow too fast, you don’t want to charge into anything hidden in the snow that could damage you, your ATV or new plow.
Second, don’t grab the cable while you are adjusting your plow and Third, get your plow sooner rather than later. They tend to sell out QUICK when driveways start filling up.
Now that you’re staying safe and warm out there be sure to subscribe for the latest 4x4 and ATV/UTV videos and hit up our customer service experts if you have any questions.