Is Lockdown Ending Dangerously Soon? Schools & Shops Reopen in England - TLDR News

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The UK is currently preparing to re-open, with larger gatherings permitted and schools re-opening from tomorrow. However, some are concerned that this is happening too quickly before the UK is truly ready to re-open. So in this video, we examine the steps the UK is taking to re-open and why some scientists are saying that the moves are being made just too soon.

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I think the UK locked down too late, and is opening too early. The government has failed to deliver the testing and tracking that has made countries like NZ, HK and AU so successful in getting cases down to near zero. I worry that case numbers, and deaths, will increase as we open up, without a robust public testing and tracking regime.


"We have a big announcement"
Is it more badges?


At the end of the day people had already started to ignore the lockdown rules... the same people crowding onto the beaches will probs be the first to blame the government for another peak rather than accepting that going to the beaches was not needed.


Funny how the lockdown was eased at the same time as the Dominic Cummings palaver


Being a 65 year old “high think this is a seriously flawed political decision which may have disastrous consequences for us all. 😷😷😟😟


The “UK”
Very disappointed with the inaccuracy of this video. You need to be more specific. England is not the UK!


As an Australian looking in it seems to me that Cummings must be running the UK. I thought he was an unelected advisor?


Looks like the UK isn’t satisfied with being number 1 in Europe in terms of cases... they’re trying to go for Number 1 in the world lol


By 'Britain' you mean England, btw


This Video keeps referencing "The UK", when in fact it's referring to Policies in only one of the four UK member nations - England.
Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are all following the Science.
If you ever wonder why there's talk of the other Nations leaving the UK, it's mostly because of chronic English-centric arrogance like this.


The estimate in Brighton and Hove is that the R rate there is near to 1.68. Might be wise to put that beach trip on hold


The government's responsibility is to protect the UK economy and ensure that NHS care does not exceed capacity. At no time has the NHS exceeded capacity and now cases are beginning to wind down they need to get the economy churning again. Simple as that really.


Anyone who believes the government has given up on herd immunity plan needs to re look at their trust of the government
(Edit spelling)


We can rebuild an economy. We can’t bring people back from the dead. The government’s priorities are starkly clear. I won’t be leaving my home until I’m satisfied with the scientific, not political, advice.


As someone who works in schools. It’s impossible to distance kids. A kid jump hugged me 10mins into my first shift back.


Answer: Yes. Dominic Cummings wanted to save the economy rather than people's lives. His efforts came at a price though


Its all good reopening schools and shops, but that means the transport system needs to go back to normal. One of my colleagues would have to take a bus thats every 2 hours, and can only hold 8 people. Clearly not good enough if we need to reopen


It’s a very difficult balance. We can’t stay in lockdown forever due to the economy, however lifting measures too quickly could undo all the good work we have done. I think it’s mainly people need to use common sense, however a lot of people do not seem to possess this


"Children's wellbeing, mental health and education is being adversely affected by the lockdown." - We're going to reopen schools with measures in place to limit children's exposure. - "That's such a silly idea I don't think its safe."

"If we're not allowed to reopen soon many businesses won't be able to survive." - We're going to start allowing some small businesses to reopen with social distancing measures in place. - "That's so stupid I can't believe you're putting the economy above public health."

"I'm so sick of not being able to see my family and friend, I haven't been able to see my mum in *insert time here*." - We're going to allow small socially distanced gatherings of people as long as they're outside. - "That's so reckless because they might be infected and it can spread the virus and there'll be a second peak etc."

For every expert opinion or body of public support theres an equally vocal polar opposite stance. One way or another the measures are going to be wrong for somebody somewhere. Don't believe it's safe or you're at risk? Stay home then! Just because the measures are relaxed it doesn't mean you have to go out, it doesn't mean you have to reopen your shop, it doesn't mean you have to go back to school.
Work place isn't distanced or safe? Refuse to go to work and report it to the HSE. Of course people won't do that because then they risk their income, but the point is there.

People shit on the government for the "follow the science" mantra, but let's consider a few points: if the PM stood up and said we're not that fussed about the science I'm going to trust my gut, people would go ballistic. For every study and opinion about the future of the lockdown and viral transmission, theres a dissenting opinion. The reality is that's all they are, opinions. They might be very well read opinions, but ultimately nobody actually knows how the situation will develop.

The biggest risk isn't easing the lockdown, it's people thinking they know best and behaving however they want regardless.


We set off ok into lockdown, now it's in name only where I am . Major national retailer has no one on the door anymore and crowds in the Store .
Conclusion :- look after yourself, time your visits and resist crowd gathering areas, beaches and parks . We still have this notion that britain is united and socially responsible but its only when it suits sadly.
