Relaxing New York Night Jazz - Soothing Jazz Music for Chill Out & Sleep

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“Positive anything is better than negative nothing.”
- Elbert Hubbard

We hope our music can spare you some head rooms to stay positive in your life.
Relieve any negative thoughts and just relax to stay creative!
From now on, your life will only be filled up with your emotion.

Sound of breeze, chirping, sea waves, leaf never invade our life. But, exists.

Our goal is to fill up the chilly air by the warmth of our music.
With the melodies that deeply travel to your memories.

We will be the background music of those scenes where you are the main character.

Original Photo by Jason Mccann on Unsplash.

Original Music by Musictag of Ambience, © All rights reserved. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form is prohibited and will result in immediate action against the person concerned.

#SoothingMusic #CafeJazz #NightJazz #Sleep #NewYork
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I don't want much for my birthday. I just want the person reading this to be healthy, happy and loved. Wishing you a good day!


Your sound is wonderful, it gives me a strange feeling of peace. I wish my dear friends who read this comment a peaceful life, the best things will come to you.


I hope whoever is reading this knows that we’re all in this life together and to never give up on yourself. Peace and love to you all


이런 음악을 들을 때면 마음이 편안하면서도
한순간 너무 외로워지는 기분이에요 ..
그런데 그 외로운 느낌이
꼭 나쁘지만은 않네요


Imagine being at New York, walking through the cold snowy night, watching everyone having a good time and seeing all the lights from the buildings. You get a feeling that this is a wonderland in your body, you keep walking passing the book shops and other stores and finally arrive at a cafe. You sit down take your coat off and enjoy the coffee with this jazz music in the background, and you keep wondering in the amazing New York night 🏨


It is amazing how every one of us is wishing the best to each other in this comments. We need more of this energy in this world.


For so long I suffered from anxiety and I always thought my brain was the reason and I always asked y but not I realise that brain is not the only one at fault its u as well.
Be positive people support ur brain through this tough time always remind him that you're there, and will go through this together.
It's tough but positivity is one of the key factor even in the darkest times be postive look up and fight the moment and also be kind to ur self don't let anger, jealousy over come u love, compassion good thoughts are the food which helps ur mind and body rejuvenate.
Always believe in good and see ur life change.
This is just a guy out of a billion people speaking but I hope someone reads this and finds a way to have a happy and fulfilling life.


뉴욕에 살던 추억들이 생각나네요
그땐 힘들고 외롭다는 생각이 있었는데 지금은 그립네요. 노래가 달달한 외로움을 주네요
내년엔 이 노래를 같이 듣고 있고싶네요
다들 달달한밤되세요 :)


This sound is so wonderful. The person who is reading this comment, i wish you great success, health, love and happiness !

✨ To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. I hope peace and calmness fill your life


저진짜 일어나서도 듣고 책읽을때도 듣고 잘때도 들어요 혼자사는데 친구같음


Is it me or this music makes me happy and i feel like their is no worry in the world when im listening to this beautiful jazz🥰


It's fascinating how music can unite people emotionally that don't even know each other 😊😊


음악을 좋아해서 항상 노래를 틀어놓고 살던 사람인데 한살한살 나이를 먹으면서 점점 음악을 듣는 시간이 짧아지네요. 특히.. 우연히 알게되어 좋아하는 노래나 음악만 계속듣고.. 어릴때 부모님이나 어른들이 한노래만 주구장창 듣는게 이해가 안됐었는데.. ㅎ ㅎ 이젠 제가 그러네요. 그래도 재즈라는 단어만 보면 나도모르게 클릭해서 저장하는걸보면.. 아직 갬성이 완전히 고갈된건 아닌가봐요 ㅎ
노래들이 너무 낭만적입니다 ;^-)


토요일에서 일요일로 넘어가는 새벽입니다. 음악이 어느 먼 곳에 저를 데려다 주는 느낌이네요..


Construction worker here; no one knows the absolute classy state I am in that is in my head while I’m hammer drilling 3” holes through mortar and running conduit.


비오는 날 이 음악을 듣는다면 그곳이 바로 천국이겠죠. .감사합니다.


I wish I could meet you all in person the ones who are commenting below this precious music ❤


I wish everyone here the happiest lives they could live. You deserve it. You are worthy of all that you dream of and hope for, don’t ever doubt it. ❤🎷❤


For dreamers, romantic, thinkers, creators, and anyone not afraid to be in touch with themselves. This music soothes one into very individual emotion and thought.
