Systemic racism explained

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You’ve likely heard the term “systemic racism,” but do you know what it means? KGW talked to the experts to break it down and to give us the tools to address it.
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It's tough to learn about this stuff because no one gives clear examples or specifics. They just say "it exists"


It is terrifiyingly sad to read these comments


"prioritize a white point of view"
What is a "white point of view"?


When are they going to define systemic racism?


I lived through 80’s and 90’s in America as an Asian, and I’ve faced an ungodly amount of blatant racist attacks from all different types of people, so I had a quite a long time to think about this subject. When most people think about systemic racism, they are actually thinking about institutional racism. It’s the word systemic that throws people off. It’s probably more accurate to use the term racist culture or cultural racism, because it’s about different elements of racism that have infiltrated ones culture. A negative or positive stereotypes in a given culture that subconsciously influences people is an example. The way I see it, there are two main types: interpersonal/individual and institutional/systemic racism. Obviously interpersonal racism stems from individuals making decisions based on stereotypes and racist cultures around them. Institutional racism are racist behaviors and policies that are created by an organization, department, politicians, etc... (basically the ones that are in charge of different “systems “). Racist culture and individual racism definitely exist and these are the types most people face. Institutional or “systemic “ racism is not prevalent because there are laws specifically against them. Also, people are hyper aware of institutional racism, so it would be difficult to hide it from the public. An example of an institutional racism is race-based college admission policies.


Black person here...came to this video to see if I can be convinced this exist.

Still not convinced.


I don't deny systemic or institutional racism I just want to know what specific policies/laws support racism so that I know what specific policies/laws to fight against. I try searching it but all I get is explanations about what institutional/systemic racism is but no specific policy. How do I fight against something where I can't find a target or is it more complicated than that?


I like how they mostly look at the black community, what about every other race in America, first Americans would have a case of systemic racism and have been on reservations for how long? How are Asians treated in America? Black people are not oppressed or held back it’s a myth that these people push to still have a job


What they are describing are thoughts, and beliefs. Very broadly, re-defining "thought crime", as racism. "People are 'thinking wrong', and we must change that. Through education. Especially the education of children" what this boils down to. This is extremely dangerous stuff. It goes well-beyond ideas having to do with race, or racial tension. This is 'Orwellian'. They truly believe they are the righteous-arbiters of truth, and should pursue policy to control 'wrong think'. Like I said, this is dangerous, and it isn't new.


I hear this term thrown around ALL the time but no one can ever actually tell me what it means lmao


Identify the specific system by title.


Please define the difference between the effects of systemic racism and poverty, in a convincing evidenced way.


Maybe I am missing something here. This video talked about systemic racism but provided no data. Is there evidence of systemic racism today? Disparities in incarceration does not automatically equate to systemic racism.


Talking about stereotypes, they seem undesirable, but what about stereotyping white people as oppressors?
What about the black racists that stereotype white people, or policemen?
What about stereotyping conservatives?
Is all that correct?
Are you sure you don't make generalizations or have cognitive biases and distortions?


Please, just please give us examples of institutions that are racist so we can fight them together !

Only informations that are not apstract in this video (those statistics) are easily explained by cultural differences.

Give us the truth !


Racism = systemic racism
Prejudice = favoritism, automatic preference (FOR WHATEVER EXCUSES U HAVE!)


A true example of systemic racism - Canada's INDIAN ACT?

The INDIAN ACT reduced Canada's Aboriginal peoples to legal status as minors. Therefore the Ottawa government of Canada set up a system of apartheid against the First Nations. This discriminatory system must be considered as systemic racism since it is based on laws and principles consciously developed and accepted by the majority of citizens even today. This reality, unworthy of a country that calls itself evolved, largely determines the troubled relations that have existed between Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals since 1876.

An example of discrimination resulting from this law: The INDIAN ACT does not confer any property rights on the Native people since it is impossible for them to buy the lands in the reserves, this one being the exclusive property of the Crown, Crown which belongs to the British Monarchy to which King Charles III was recently elected non-democratically, in office by blood ties only. This state of affairs therefore limits the ability of Aboriginal people to borrow and reduces their financial autonomy. They have different rights from other citizens simply because of their Aboriginal status. This form of segregation is a blatant demonstration of systemic racism.


Once again, Asian and Punjabi Americans get left out of the discussion. Who are the real racists?


If racism is so 'systemic', then perhaps point out some actual racist policies to help the rest of us understand your point. This video didn't explain anything.


Frank Rizzo says.... send a salami to your boy in the army
