LIVE: House committee hearing on DOGE in Washington D.C. | LiveNOW from FOX

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The House Committee hearing is discussing DOGE in Washington, D.C.

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Until laws are enforced upon the lawmakers in a single tiered justice system for fraud or there abuse of power the abuse will continue as the penalties are the teeth and deterrent to those who oppose the law . A woman beater doesn't stop beating on women until officers intervene and throw there butts in jail as a deterrent and are given fines and probationary measures to live by In order to keep the peace. Society must enforce the laws as well as the penalties


I receive and live on 1400 a month SSID that I worked paid taxes and missed out on so much of my children's childhood while working I am excited for you to take SSI away from people who have never paid taxes and give back to us that have! 🎉🎉🎉
Thank You DOGE ❤❤❤


The people are ready for another revolution against increasing taxes without representation. We are taxed more and more on everything and is effecting our health and prosperity while just making those in government positions richer and richer. This MUST change.


So basically they don't want their bs to be found out. Boo whoo...time for checks and balances


The citizens receiving SS EARNED the benefit and you saying otherwise is despicable!!!!


It’s 100% true not a lie sad you people keep waisting time on nonsense, privacy ??? How about all your people that work for social security from home on a regular computer a regular internet network???? You just don’t want ur freinds getting caught


Oh bull pucky ! It was stated that the older ages reported were on the records NOT that they were receiving checks. The comments were recorded on various videos recordings.


1:18:03 “if it’s true that Musk is no threat to the system, then let this resolution prove us wrong.”

It’s as simple as that. If the Rs truly have nothing to hide, then they should have no problem obliging to an inquiry. It is troubling that the Rs are being so resistant to transparency throughout this ordeal.


So does that guy know for a fact that 150 yr old and older people still getting social security is a lie? No he does not know.


Easy fix - raise the contributions on ultra wealthy people. There. Done.


So this isn’t really a House hearing… it’s a DEMOCRAT ELON MUSK BASHING HEARING LOLOLOL


Where the heck is Elon?? How disrespectful that he is not there to answer questions.


77, 300, 000 agree with actions thus far. Expedite.


I want to know why the policy of education when a child is being bullied, they want to help that child become a better victim as apposed to doing anything with the bully or their familys


The guy who admit to being in congress since 2006!!!! HELLO TERM LIMITS MY GOSH REALLY 😡😡😡😡😡


Stop gutting the workforce, update the systems they work on, provide the call center with staff. And it will be fine.


My question is can we stop all payments of people over 250 years old right now and why has not this been done?


The bad situation is there busted for stealing all our money.


When an illegal comes in has a baby and that baby sends for his grandparents, his grandparents come here and receive Social Security. Grandparents that did not pay into Social Security now hopefully that parent gets a visa a green card or their American citizenship but they often don’t, but the child has it. There are many people on Social Security benefits that did not pay into them. Now we all don’t pay equally because we all don’t make the same amount of money in our lifetime but our checks that we receive at retirement or disability reflect that that’s why there is such a vast difference between a $1600 check and a $3000 check And if Social Security was privatized, it would make more money rather than lending money to the government for them to lend out on bad business.


Ha! Over 2 years ago, I tried for almost 2 wks to talk to a REAL person at the IRS. ONE TIME I actually had a real person on the line who then transferred me to the same circle I was almost out of. I physically went to the local office to be met by a locked door & the same number to call to schedule an appointment. It was pointless to continue my endeavor with the federal government. It's pretty clear to me that even with all the thousands of federal employees on staff it seems they were all on vacation when I tried to talk to a real person.
