YOU EAT THAT!?!? How To Use Everything

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In today's episode of Ask Homesteady we explain how to use everything from your livestock!

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I'm a wildlife rehabber. We save parts of animals we process that we don't like eating. Those will go to my rehab critters like Opossums as part of their diet.
One way you can use parts you don't eat is to donate them to your local wildlife rehabber, zoo or animal science center. There's a lot of things they can use from processed animals & over abundance of garden goodies. They will thank you.


We took a cow heart, and sliced, seasoned and dehydrated it into jerky. And used it as dog treats and we ate some too.


Chicken feet are great for older dogs they are loaded with glucosamine. Helps with there joints.


I loved your attitude. That was so well done. Way to keep striking a balance. Temperance is a beautiful word, (balance is its better synonym than is abstinence).
Don't be too sensitive about the critics. After all you own the delete button and the right to use it well.


coffee grounds AND filters and tea bags compost excellently. Most people miss that one. They are great for reviving palm trees...oh, yeah, I know you don't have any sickly palm trees, but just in case you go to Florida...


I was surprised when our hog butcher pulled the leaf lard out of the hog and just tossed it into the barrel. I got them to dig it out for me. Next season we will butcher our own.


Where im from (Ghana) we cure the feet with alot of salt then wash salt off after a couple of days and cook it in soup. Soo good !!


Those that won't eat heart, liver, kidney, intestines have a very good reason for their attitude.


We pickle our rabbit hides and make quilt squares then sew them into pillow covers and other clothing. On butcher day the chickens and cats get the organs fresh as we butcher. We tried but we don’t have a taste for them. I have learned to debone a rabbit whole then I roll it up and freeze the bones separately for soup later.


My Laying Hens beg for meat. They have favorite parts to run off with, when I am doing the meat birds.
They also love certain feathers.


I watched this with my 7 yo, and we had to rewind the jar lid part over and over because he thought it was hilarious 🤪 great video!


Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with us!!


The black meat from venison you talk about can be chopped finely and cooked with scrambled eggs and onions. Add potatoes, Spanish rice and or beans to make breakfast burritos


Peanut butter, when the jar is "empty" take a piece of bread and wipe the inside! lol. To the important part, for the waste you feed to the animals, cut it up or grind it up and freeze it. Give it to the animals as a treat throughout the year.


#askhomesteady Thank's, for all you both do! I enjoy your channel. You both are great teachers. Your children are so precious! Is there a video showing how to process a pig head on your channel? If not will you do one? We are starting our own homestead and have lots to learn... Thinking seriously about joining.. Thanks again, from central Louisiana


I grew up outside of Harrisburg, PA, heading towards Amish country. My sister moved to Connecticut where she worked as a nurse. The ER staff was planning a potluck not long after she made a trip home. She offered to make pig stomach as her contribution. It gets stuffed with sausage and potatoes and baked. Her coworkers didn't think she was serious. One of the doctors lifted the lid on the roasting pan, looked onside, and closed the pan saying "it's a stomach alright."

I found I can buy decent stomachs at a certain Asian market in the area of Oregon where I now live. One leaves them mostly intact while others cut it into strips for soup.


Great video as always... I'm no homesteader (just a 17 y/o dreaming on one day having a homestead of my own) however here are my 2 cents....
Here in Brazil we have a traditional dish called feijoada, wich consist basically of black beans and pig, and we do use the feet, nose, ears and a bit of skin in it,  i'm not the biggest beans fan but i gotta admit that the meat in it tastes delicious, would def recommend trying something similar
Another traditional food here is the fried pig skin, it's called torresmo and is super delicious (not the healthiest as you might imagine 😅 but delicious nonetheless)... There's also the morsilia blood sausage (there's  other kinds of blood sausages i would recommend looking into)... 
Now, getting away from the pig stuff, here in brazil it's super common to eat chicken hearts in barbecue (my brother's favorite).. Now, while not common, some chicken stuff i have eaten (and personally love) is the blood (my grandma would cook it in stews when she would butcher them when i was a kid... i just loved it), other things i have eaten in stews are gizzards,  chicken feet, neck, brain (absolutely delicious) and liver... I would really like to recommend you people try it out


Pickled pigs feet. My my! So good. I prefer beef liver and kidney to pork, but chicken livers in a gravy over rice? YES!! Mind you, pork liver for liver pate works. My husband will eat chicken feet. I will not. lol

PS: You're wearing a toque on your head. 😛


Thank You! I learned a lot from this vlog!


I plan on getting into farmsteading and intend on making offal sausage. I'm a pretty big fan of haggis, and I love chitlins. Figure if I take all of the offal, ground it up, mix it with oats and stuff some casing with it, I can probably make some haggis sausage or something, haha
