Wife Puts In a Tracker To Spy On Me & Then Follows Me To Confront Me With Evidence... Oh Boy I Tell

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My wife went crazy and decided to spy on me. She tracked my location and then secretly followed me to confront me...

#listenablestory #birthdaysurprise #wifeandhusbandrelationship

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Story 1: He "overreacted" by cancelling the trip? SHE PUT A TRACKER ON HIS CAR!!


Those medical students pulling a "prank" like that are POS! The way OP spoke about his date and the girl makes me hope they end up together and never speak to those so called friends ever again.


Story 3: OMFG. OP needs to ditch every last one of those "friends." How dare they treat Emily like that? And dismissing OP due to autism??? I hope OP and Emily get married, invite the "friends, " then tell everyone assembled what happened.


I’ve yet to hear a “surprise” story that doesn’t end in disaster.


I can get her thinking you were cheating but she handles this really poorly. She doesn't trust you or her friend. Cancelling the trip is a good option. The marriage needs serious work and to actually build some level of trust.


Once again, YouTubers has more sense than those ludicrous Redditors and their noises right there. Seriously, thank God for XO Stories.


Op NTI: What about your feelings? She threw out some of your stuff. Also screw these commenters. They are AH’s. I wouldn’t take her around the corner. Op put the money for the trip somewhere safe so you will have it after the divorce.


Anytime you have a Karen that thinks they're entitled to your pool you should shock the pool before you leave


Tell these people you're not my friends. Because my friends don't bully people. My friends don't do things to hurt people. God bless keep seeing your girlfriend. And ignore the bullies. They're pathetic and sad. And tell these bunch of losers. You're going to be doctors just trying to drop the middle school behavior. I feel sorry for any future patience. Because they're going to be the type of doctors with absolutely no empathy at all.


Story 4: Okay I'd gave called the police as soon as i came home to people trespassing to throw a party. The rules list is proof that Karen is absolutely insane.


#5: Just because you marry someone does not mean your kids will like each other.
"No, they are NOT siblings. One was invited, one was not. The one invited is going to the party."


A pool is a major responsibility AND liability. This is exactly why they need to have locked access. Seriously, our backyard had a 9' privacy fence with key lock gates. NO ONE was ever in our pool without permission, and it was never an issue in the neighborhood. You gave the inch, now they want the mile. Lock your pool down immediately!


Story 3: Wait, your friends are studying to be DOCTORS?!? There's a good reason to stay healthy. NTA but you will be if you keep those friends around.


I can relate so hard with the 3rd op
I'm on the spectrum as well and my gf is the sweetest, we both use social masks to fit in but being able to let said masks drop and be ourselves is such a breath of fresh air.
Love you, chrissy <3


Last story: Ex doesn’t seem to realize NO ONE appears to like her stepdaughter if she’s the only one not invited to the party. You can’t force friendships or sibling relationships on children where they don’t exist. OP is NTA and mom will eventually lose all respect from her actual daughter if she doesn’t back off. Just because parents love one another doesn’t mean the kids have to.


the YTA comments are insane i hope they stay single and no one plans anything for them


Story 1:
WTF is with the comments from Reddit? I hope no-one ever tries to plan a surprise birthday party for any of them.


You know im ok with her thinking he cheated and confronting him.

However the lack of remorse and entitlement make her feel like the ass


S1: NTA. She could have confronted OP and then when she found out she was wrong should have apologized instead of acting entitled and throwing a hissy fit. The comments on Reddit are acting stupid.

3:55 S2: NTA. Your dad needs to realize that and if he keeps this up, he might not get invited to your birthday when you're an adult because for once you'll get to enjoy it it the way you want to. Instead of having to focus on someone else's allergies.

7:19 S3: NTA. Every time someone tries to set someone up on a date as a joke, someone gets their feelings hurt. Hopefully OP can get some better friends.

11:15 S4: NTA. How are you going to try to set rules for a pool that belongs to somebody else?! Especially after you've already been caught breaking into the person's property to throw a pool party?

14:25 S5: NTA. Every time someone tries to force a blended family, it never works. OP' ex wife is going to end up losing her kids at this rate.


I can’t made a trip that large in a single sitting, besides the fact you are brainstorming and pulling info for later meetings. Like if she mentioned the spot of x and you check it out when they open or aren’t busy, turning out that it’s closed that day. That would be common if they popular spots they can just think up on the spot.

The fact her parents were also involved in that and even after they confirmed it she still was like well f you isn’t good for their marriage.wife had a crappy response after she knew what it was for
