Driving Test - Show me Q10 How would you use the demister controls?
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10) Show me how you would set the demister controls to clear all the windows effectively, this should include both front and rear screens?
Set all relevant controls including; fan, temperature, air direction / source and heated screen to clear windscreen and windows. Engine does not have to be started for this demonstration.
If you want to see a wide range of videos on learning to drive, the theory test and the driving test please look at our YouTube TV channel click LDCDrivingSchool above or the link below:
Too many driving instructors focus too much attention on telling their pupils what to do and what to think! This approach only fosters dependency, doubt and blind obedience, such that once the test is passed they do all the things they were told not to do. The LDC approach is designed to foster self-reliance, confidence and responsibility resulting in safer drivers who learn to drive far more quickly.
Unlike traditional instruction LDC heavily promotes student centred learning. This involves the student being encouraged to take more responsibility for their own development by using the LD System materials before and after each lesson and by using discovery learning with self determination and reflection rather than being told what to do by the instructor. In particular talk through instruction, prompted practice and long winded explanations are avoided, if at all possible - instead encouraging the student to work it out for themselves. If you want to see this approach in practice view Bobby-Jo's lessons with Bob.
10) Show me how you would set the demister controls to clear all the windows effectively, this should include both front and rear screens?
Set all relevant controls including; fan, temperature, air direction / source and heated screen to clear windscreen and windows. Engine does not have to be started for this demonstration.
If you want to see a wide range of videos on learning to drive, the theory test and the driving test please look at our YouTube TV channel click LDCDrivingSchool above or the link below:
Too many driving instructors focus too much attention on telling their pupils what to do and what to think! This approach only fosters dependency, doubt and blind obedience, such that once the test is passed they do all the things they were told not to do. The LDC approach is designed to foster self-reliance, confidence and responsibility resulting in safer drivers who learn to drive far more quickly.
Unlike traditional instruction LDC heavily promotes student centred learning. This involves the student being encouraged to take more responsibility for their own development by using the LD System materials before and after each lesson and by using discovery learning with self determination and reflection rather than being told what to do by the instructor. In particular talk through instruction, prompted practice and long winded explanations are avoided, if at all possible - instead encouraging the student to work it out for themselves. If you want to see this approach in practice view Bobby-Jo's lessons with Bob.