POV: your best friend moved away when you were young and your still watching the days pass waiting

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“It’s better to be alone in this fake world”😭


It’s been 2, 438 days since I’ve seen her.. last time was June 18 2015 :(
I hope she didn’t forget about me :/ I still count her as my best friend forever ♾💕


Its already been 4 years since i last met her...
Losing a bestfriend feels like someone stabbed your heart and took half of it


It's been 1 year, I saw her status, she have another bestie, little tears are coming from my eyes, I love and trust her so much 😢😢😢😢 I always gets alone I still need her 😢😢😢


It's is equivalent to a trauma. Can't even express the pain...


A wise person once said "Yours friends are like stars you think they're not here but they are always there"


Bro I haven't even said goodbye in person to my friend when he was moving to a new school...
I miss him.


4yo me crying to my teachers about losing my best friend. Sending her letters over the years until we meet again in highschool and we're two completely different ppl


She left today and I cried my heart out.


3 years and 4 days she gave me a full hug when she left


this video made me cry, my first bestfriend moved to other city, i cried so hard because i found no one as my friend, i didnt even get to say goodbye to her, i lost her about 1 year ago, it all started when we graduated... then i found another friend who helps me as my ex friend. now she is going to move in other city this year too..


The fact that he auctually moved away and i never saw them again and it has been 7 years just like this video makes this the most relatable video FOR ME ever


My best friend left a hour ago to live 8hrs away. In that moment a piece of my life walked away.


- [ ] there was a boy and a girl. they met in 3rd grade and the boy rlly liked her but she didnt feel the same. she had eyes on this other guy. the year passed and he felt the same. the girl had moved on from the guy and started crushing on the boy. now they were in 5th grade. (both in different classes)they havent talked in a year due to an illness going around causing everyone to stay in their homes. the girl tapped him on the shoulder and asked is she could join their game of tag. the boy remembered her and quickly said yes. eventually, they played together everyday and grew closer and closer. the girl developed strong feelings for the other and so did the boy. september rolls around and he comes to school the next day sad and not willing to talk to anyone. the girl was confused so she took him by the hand to a bench and asked him, “are you okay?… you can always talk to me.” his response left her heartbroken. “well im moving..to pennsylvania.” “when?” she replied. “september 11.” they only had 1 and a half weeks left together. days past by then a week. finally it was september 11. the boy told the girl he was leaving after their lunch time. that was lie. recess came and they played their last game of tag. the boy tagged the girl and the bell rung to go back inside. the boy gave the girl a hug and walked to his classroom with his line. she had tears in her eyes knowing he would have to leave soon. when they get to class, it was time for him to pack up and head to his flight. he never got to say a goodbye or confess his true feelings for the girl. the bell rung and it was time for lunch. she rushed out of the classroom looking for the boy so they could eat together. looking everywhere she asked his friend. the boys friend said he had already left. she held back tears. she had the rest of the day to get through. the girl got her heart completely shattered. she never got a chance to confess her feelings. she cant stop thinking about all the amazing memories that they cherished together. 2 years had passed since then and i never forgot him and i never will. i wish him the world and all the health upon his lifetime and for him to be happy.


When i was little my cousin and i were very close but when we turned 10 I left to go to pakistan so we did not talk in 1 year after that i saw him when i was 11 but he was more close to my other cousin and they were very mean to me so the only thing i could do was give up on my best friend forever


And what makes me even more sad is that I've known her since kindergarten and i can't even process what it would be like without her

Edit: I left this comment a yr ago and for anyone who reads it I js wanna lyk, it gets better♡ it may seem like the end of the world but u can't let ur world revolve around how one person treats/treated u. I found better friends and eventually that girl came back, we are cool now but I'll never see her the same so yah it def sucks but u gotta show them that ur better♡♡


It's been 12 years I miss them I just want them to come back just one time at least 😭


I hate people who judge if HURTS MORE THAN ANYTHING when your bestie moves away 4 years i spent without her i miss her😢


Had a friend back in elementary, first one, still remember that she would make me feel included. I’m a quiet person, but she would talk with me even though everyone else thought I was weird. I’ve been sorting through my memories for so long, but last time I can remember her was first grade. My parents don’t remember her, and any other way of remembering what she looked like are gone. It’s been 3, 171 days since I’ve seen her, and I don’t think I will again


It’s been 4 year . . . I just wanna see them again. My two best friends (they were siblings) moved away and I haven’t seen them since 2019 and then the pandemic hit so it was already hard enough to see them but the pandemic just completely shut down the idea of seeing them. May 31st makes 5 years…
