How AI Is Already Reshaping White-Collar Work | WSJ

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Artificial intelligence doesn’t just make fantastical images. For white-collar workers, generative AI like ChatGPT can make jobs easier by creating drafts of documents or presentations. Initial images, video and product designs could be taken over by machine learning tech.

In fact, one report says nearly 4,000 workers lost their jobs in May to AI. Dropbox cut 16% of its workforce in part to invest more in the tech, while IBM sees a future where 30% of clerical work could be taken over by AI.

WSJ explains why AI may take some white-collar jobs – but also add new ones.

0:00 AI software
0:42 Why white-collar jobs?
2:01 AI and job cuts
3:52 What’s next?

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#AI #Layoffs #WSJ
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This entire video could have been written by AI for all we know.


When a CEO says they're not do doing any layoffs, they will be laying off people.


People seem to fall into two categories. Those who underestimate AI because they don't understand it. And those who over-estimate AI because they don't understand it.


I’m just concerned. Very few rich will get richer, the rest will get catastrophically poorer and miserable.


Andrew Yang warned us about this years ago, and people laughed at him


I know my job as a composer will probably be replaced by ai, but I find it bittersweet (I know I am not allowed to think that way) that AI is also coming for the people that rejected my work because they rather used stock music (because it's cheaper, eventually) instead of a hand crafted original motion soundtrack.

But as I said for so many times: true quality will always prevail...


AI spits out scripts in 10 minutes and CGI fills in the action and talent. Can't stop progress.


This is a good time to restart the conversation around taxing businesses to fund universal basic income. If people aren’t paid because robots do work, the economy can’t function.


How does an economy work when we all workers have been replaced? Does money even matter? How do you compensate a bot? What happens when the AI goes on strike or doesn’t want to work anymore? When it becomes smart enough where it doesn’t want or need a job. Will it have rights and be able to vote?


How do i know that the only job AI won't replace is CEO and Board Member.


AI is not a problem, capitalism is. We, as a community and as humans, need to come together and find an ultimate solution for the next economical system, in order to abolish capitalism once and for all, only so we can reach a new stage of existence.


If AI takes over all those jobs in the future than where will the consumers come from? NO money, NO buy.


Plumber, electrician, carpenter, welder, HVAC technician, automotive technician, hairstylist, makeup artist, chef, baker, bartender, massage therapist, fitness trainer, landscape gardener, housekeeper, tailor, locksmith, plumber, painter, nanny, bricklayer, astronaut, surgeon, nurse, dental technician, caregiver, archivist, sports coach, mail carrier, etc not going away in the near future


AI is very limited currently and crazy expensive for the good stuff. Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) does not possess true intelligence as it lacks the ability to think critically and creatively like humans. While AI can perform complex calculations and learn from data patterns, it is limited by its programming and lack of emotional intelligence. True intelligence requires consciousness, self-awareness, and the ability to make decisions based on intuition and experience - all qualities that are uniquely human. As technology advances, AI may become more sophisticated, but for now, it remains a tool designed to assist humans in specific tasks rather than an independent thinker.


Its already happening. I was forced to retire 2 years ago because my telecommunications job was switched from internal engineering database recordkeeping to customer service to teach customers how to use their website for their issues. Hence, helping the public learn to do our jobs with A.I. chat so we wouldn't have jobs. My daughter just resigned because of the same thing. She was customer service loyalty representative and her company switched her over to mandatory sales. The commonality for us...union jobs. That's right, A.I. was designed to eliminate white collar AND union jobs.


It would be great to embrace AI with the intention of making a more equitable socialist society in which everyone isn't required to work to survive, but this isn't going to be popular with our oligarchy overlords.


If AI can do anything about the narrator's vocal fry, i'm all for it


Annoys me so much that huge companies could *easily* use the extra resources that AI frees up from repetitive tasks to improve their products and systems… cybersecurity, ui/ux, customer service, etc, all areas most companies are already lacking in, but no… just fire workers and pocket the change. Imo might help if governments would give tax breaks to companies that are committed to generating jobs in the wake of AI, and slap more tax on those that are stripping their workforce while still generating record profits…


Corporations have always wanted free or cheap as free labor. It’s the source of many of our country’s problems. Whether it’s slavery, child labor, hiring illegal immigrants, shipping jobs overseas to countries that don’t care about exploiting workers, or replacing people with technology including AI. It all ties back to greedy corporate leadership that craves free labor or at least an easily exploited and cheap work force.


The funniest thing so far is someone using ai writing emails and another person summarizing it with another ai…I trust humans can be replicated in this process 😂
