Final Fantasy XV Trailer

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L'histoire de Final Fantasy XV tourne autour d'un prince nommé Noctis Lucis Caelum, qui est le dernier héritier d'un royaume sans nom dans lequel le dernier cristal est maintenu. En raison de la modernisation de plus en plus apparente à la différence de pays voisins, le royaume de Noctis est lui-même isolé du monde extérieur. Le jeu se déroule entre deux nations s'affrontant pour la domination totale et le dernier cristal détenu par le royaume de Noctis .

Tous droits réservés à Square Enix Co., Ltd pour les médias. Il s'agit purement d'une vidéo de fans réalisés à des fins de divertissement sans violation de copyright prévu. Je ne fais pas un bénéfice de cette vidéo car elle est purement pour le divertissement
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No matter how old is this trailer it one greatest game trailer I ever seen


Man this trailer so epic even 10 years after, i'm really sad we will never get this game and this vision.


Noctis expectations from 2005: He's gonna be an emo edgelord like Sasuke Uchiha
Noctis in 2016: He's an awkward dork that loves fishing and riding chocobos


Sasuke is a great actor. I love his work on Naruto Shippuden


This Noctis is the best version they made in my opinion. The dark vibe you get from him, as well as his personality are all perfect. Even the city he is in, has that dark feel, which compliments his character. I was expecting this in the full game. I'm not exactly disappointed, but I just wish they would have kept his outfit, and the dark vibe that came with him. As well as the way he displays his power as Prince AND King in this trailer.


This side of him is just total beast mode.


This noctis, I'm calling it, hands down, the best/strongest protagonist in all ff series. You can't touch this guy.


Damn old Noctis is so much cooler then current one.


I appreciate that they played this theme during the final level.
Hearing this theme reminded me of all the trailers I've watched through the years, how much the game changed, the development the game went trough and most important of all this trailer. The trailer made me fall in love with this game.


This trailer brings back so many memories. I can't believe how far this game has come to get to this moment right now. Just over a month and it will be its release. Makes me tear up just thinking about how much in awe I was of this trailer, and only yesterday I was playing some of the final development of the game. Its so majestic and this game will be dear to my heart regardless of how the end turns out.


This noctis looks more bad ass then the new one


Prince Noctis! This video just confirms his royal level of majestic badassery... if I may make that a word.


Did Noctis just break some dudes fucking neck with his friggin legs?! Well i guess we don't have to wonder why we haven't seen his mother yet. Its because shes off Kicking Ass in Street Fighter.


I've been waiting so long for this... We're so close now. I come back every couple of months to watch this!


I see he has unlocked new moves without using his sharingan :3


the new trailers show updated version of Noctis but I like this one the best. the newer version looked like he's a bored normal prince while this one looked as if he controls the world with his will.


It's been along ten years boys. but it's finally coming


Now this is the game I wanted to play. Now that I just beat FF XV and I come back to this trailer, I'm left pondering what the heck happened to change the story around?


Oh man, I still remember my teen self freaking out from this trailer and begged my dad for a PS console.. kinda disappointed to not see this Noctis in FF15 😭😭


For me, this scene should had happened before the engagement ceremony, when Noctis and Luna were supposed to meet after her being abducted by the Niflheim many years ago. I imagined it like this: The peace treaty was promised to be signed before the engagement party. Noctis was being driven to the party, but the Niflheim betrayed and attacked King Regis. On the outside, the resistance and the Niflheim army attacked Insomnia by surprise. Noctis and his friends arrived to the gates and they fiercely defend the castle in an attend to save King Regis and Insomnia (at this point Noctis is still not able to use the Armiger). Simultaneously, inside the castle, Nyx is rescuing Luna, but King Regis sacrifices for Luna and gets killed by Glauca. Is at that moment when the soldier fires the bomb and Noctis defends himself using the Armiger for the first time by pure instinct, and by doing so he realizes... his father has died. Heart broken he enters the castle just to find his father lying in the floor liveless and to learn that Luna is missing. He doesn't know that she was rescued by Nyx, so he takes the Regalia and ask his friends to help him find Luna, as he believes that she was taken back to Tenebrae. The game begins.
