Can A.I. Turn Cheap Microphones Into Professional Sound?

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Does A.I. make cheap microphones sound as good as something professional? I tested a bunch of microphones at different price points using Enhance Speech from Adobe Podcast, so let's find out!

🎤 The microphones I tested:
$1 Microphone - ??????

🎥 My Favorite Camera At the Moment

0:00 Intro
0:24 $1
0:51 $19
1:19 $49
1:49 $199 & $229
2:38 $329
3:35 $400


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Hey Brad, I just found your channel through your two exposure related videos, I find yours to be the simplest to understand and most fun to watch, helped me to understand better how to shoot Slog2 for my channel. Thank you and I hope your channel grow and get the recgonization you deserve, subbed and sending love from China :)


Man I haven't discover your channel till a popular video you had. Your content is gold.


This was fantastic! And as an ASMR enthusiast, the tictacs were also great 😂


I guess nothing beats quality equipment. But dang, the enhance speech feature is very impressive.


Hey, I just want to say thank you for your all works! I really enjoyed them and use them in my own life! Thanks again..


A few days ago I stumbled on your channel. (I googled it for the "Zebra in video camera", and your video was second, but being shorter then the first video I clicked on yours, so Google is on your side😀)
Then I clicked to another of your videos, so the second one got me subscribed. Then I got curious and watched almost all of your videos. The quality of your content is very impressive. From the topics, to pacing, personality, SFX and basically everything! It seems that you have been in the industry quite bit of the time and know your subject very well.
YouTube definitely should spread your content more!


I like this video, its the one with the least ammount of views... 476 at the time, before 11 months of release... I don't know why, but it stands out on its own


Well, Adobe and Cloud are red flags in any scenario, so that is one concern. Second, from what I've seen or rather heard, the Adobe AI for Speech thingy, seems to have been made by people who are not really audiophiles, and the whole thing seems to have been made for the masses of content creators that could not tell a difference between mics anyhow. It’s kind of like selling AI background blur on a smartphone to TikTok influencers vs. trying to sell it to pro photographers. Some people will not be able to tell the difference and will not care, but the difference exists. Either way, it tells a lot about our civilization when standards on average are low, does it not? Would Michaelangelo use a background blur on a smartphone ? If he did, would he be Michaelangelo? Anyway, just my 2 cents.

By the way. Kudos for the effort you put in your videos. Youtube algorithms are brutal, they don't push quality. Hence we have Adobe AI to the masses. Cheers!
