Crew Year's Eve In Edmonds WA, Alan Doyle & The Beautiful Beautiful Band, Welcome Home Tour Gig #6

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Dancing Like We Did Last Night reprise 00:00 / Captain Kidd 00:52 / When I'm Up 03:04 / How Did We Get From Saying I Love You (Duet w. Kendel) 07:26 / Dancing With Todd 11:21

"Crew Year's Eve" - the show night before a day off, usually the 6th straight show ahead of a day off on the 7th day in Alan's tour world - is always a big deal on the road, but it's probably the biggest deal of all when it's the first of such at the very beginning of a brand new tour because the week that it's wrapping up is a week when everyone has been learning new stuff: How to sing and play the songs, where to set up this particular configuration of gear and how get the sound and lights all exactly right, how to get the merch displayed and what's gonna sell the best (Spencer shirt!)...even how to get back into (or just get into, for the new folks in the crew) life on the road in the bus. So the night that closes out that first Week Of Learning is always a sweet one, and this Crew Year's Eve in Edmonds was no exception. I had a nice view (when I stood up, that is - while sitting I could barely see over the stage) and the sound was great, the lights weren't blinding me and I had a lovely view; I would have videoed much more of this show...except after a few songs, a venue fella came over to us and said no video was allowed in that venue. So there you go - this is what I have from a lovely show on a very special night. Edmonds Center For The Arts, Edmonds WA. February 25, 2024
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Wait a minute. Were you the one in the front row center? The sound is completely different up front.

Also I am pretty sure I hear my voice singing out loud. I had a great time.
