Wellue O2Ring smart pulse oxymeter does not connect issue... how to solve

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Wellue O2Ring Oxyring smart pulse oxymeter ring does not connect via Bluetooth to the smartphone, here is how it looks and how to solve it. O2Ring Bluetooth connection issue problem ViHealth and other application Android IOS

This is the ring firmware bug itself, not your smartphone issue.
You can solve the issue by connecting/disconnecting charging cable, ring will connect to your smartphone after that.

0:00 Intro & Demonstration O2Ring connection works
0:26 Demonstration O2Ring measurement works
1:26 Bluetooth icon on the Ring explanation
1:37 Connection issue demonstration
2:52 Close-reopen app does not help
3:15 Phone Bluetooth power off - power on does not help
4:07 How to solve
5:30 O2Ring device information used in the video
5:44 Report issue to O2Ring vendor and attach link to this video
6:11 Leave negative review for ViHealth application in Google Play Store

O2Ring device information used in this video :
Region: CE
Model: 1652
HardwareVer: AA
SoftwareVer: 1.7.0
Bootloader: 1.1.0
FileVer: 3
SPCPVer: 1.3
Application: ""
BattState: 0
CurOxiThr: 88
CurMotor: 60
CurPedtar: 99999
CurMode: 0
CurState: 1
LightingMode: 0
HRSwitch: 0
HRLowThr: 50
HRHighThr: 120
LightStr: 0
OxySwitch: 0
BranchCode: 24010003

ViHealth app version 2.74.55 used in this video

#ViHealth #Wellue #O2Ring #viatom #bluetooth #spo2 #oxygen
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