Why Darth Vader's Lightsaber Is WAY More Special Than you Realize - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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Anakin / Vader was an amazing engineer, hence why modifying his lightsaber wasn’t fraught with danger as it may have been for the majority of other Jedi/Sith


I think in terms of the synergy between the lightsaber and its wielder, Vader is nigh unmatched in the construction of his lightsaber, this guy built himself back up (pun intended) from the ground up to be the greatest duelist in all of Star Wars despite the limitations of his suit, Darth Vader is a monster with an indomitable will and unrivaled bloodlust


I still believe Dooku has the coolest lightsaber ever. It has similarities to Vader’s in that his saber can change length and favours functionality over style with no electrum being used, but Dooku’s curved hilt already made duelling him awkward, especially when coupled to his insane skills in lightsaber combat.


The idea that Vader had to change his fighting style to protect his chest has the flaw that EVERYONE's weak spot is in their chest.


At heart, regardless of his identity, the man was an Engineer. He liked the construction of mechanical things, refining them until they were efficient as possible. Naturally he would be a lightsaber gearhead too.


Checking this out on my phone and all that appears from the title is "Why Darth Vader's lightsaber is WAY more important than you" 😔😔😅


Darth Vader , not the hero that the galaxy but the hero that the galaxy needed.


I only own one Black Series FX lightsaber, and it’s the Vader one!
The huge hilt is badass! And I like the simple styling. Definitely my favorite lightsaber!


Another amazing video, your one of the very few YouTubers who actually respects vaders power and skill, love the vader content


Thank you for this video... I now want to get Ultrasabers' Darth Vader inspired design because I want it to be accurately massive, even if it's not screen accurate.


I think Luke making a crystal in Ben’s hut gave him a particular connection to both the old ways of building and the new synthesis


Pretty cool about his light Sabre at least once he turned to the dark side the engineering side that was in them from Anakin never changed


Vader was a beast and absolute powerhouse with lightsaber. And with his skill in the Force he was unmatched by anyone. He was amazingly strong. He used mix Jem-So, Makashi, Soresu perfectly. His strokes were amazing and precise. Few moves to defeat opponent. I think he learned of Ezra Kun as Anakin. Palpatine gave him some manuscripts too. It's natural he wanted to use organic crystal. It's interesting like you said, Vader used organic crystal and his son Luke used synthetic crystal. Great video. Vader's lightsaber was perfect and amazing. Great video. May the Force be with you too. Have a nice day too :)


Everything about Vader is badass both pre-suit and after no doubt. When Maul debuted the double bladed saber, that was the baddest saber at that time and then the we found out that it was looked down by the best swordsmen in both orders. I got excited when Obi-Wan threw Anikin an extra saber and was quickly let down by his defeat by Dooku. Ahsoka redeemed that concept with the soto saber. In my opinion I like Cal Kestis saber with the detachable saber as it holds true to singular saber combat while giving a second saber when needed like Ahsoka. Also Luke stated that they never gave him a second saber. If Luke digs it, I dig it. So my list so far is: Cal Kestis, Vader, Ahsoka, Dooku, Maul, Windu and Kylo Ren.


Can you do a video about the crystals the history of them and where they would find one after the purge


that scene at the end of Rouge One was f-cking epic!


I really like Vader's lightsaber I always appreciate a well crafted weapon


Considering that he built C-3PO when he was 9 from scraps, i would hope he built that lightsaber to be crazy


Me just trying to imagine Darth Vader searching for a USB cord to charge his lightsaber with...


I really was always curious about this story
