10 Modern Turn Based Square Enix JRPGs | Backlog Battle

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Angry Fan: "Square Enix has turned their back on turn-based JRPGs!"
Me: Here are just some of what I think have been the best turn-based JRPGs they've released since the first Bravely Default!

0:00 - Intro
1:24 - Bravely Default 2
2:26 - Octopath Traveler 2
3:24 - NieR Reincarnation
4:49 - Voice of Cards "Trilogy"
6:01 - Dragon Quest XI S
7:16 - World of Final Fantasy
8:33 - Triangle Strategy
9:59 - LIVE A LIVE
11:22 - Final Fantasy I-VI Pixel Remaster
12:41 - Tactic Ogre Reborn

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Dragon Quest XI is one of my all time favorite games. Highly recommended. It’s like playing an anime, and the party members are like friends. Beautiful game.


DQ XI was so much fun and i couldn’t agree more with your thoughts on the title of my few Platinum trophies that didn’t feel like a slog


I don't understand how JRPG fans can complain about Square. They have been killing it with the quality of their output for like the last ten years. Props for putting together this video, it's a needed voice amongst the sea of boo-hooers.


Turn-based JRPGs will never die. They are my bread and butter when I enjoy games. Whether it be Persona, Dragon Quest, Final Fantasy and others, they are my comfort food. My go to genre of choice when I want to spend hours upon hours. Excellent list Alex. Very well done.


Got Tactics Ogre last January... still playing it even now.

I ALMOST gave up on it. After my first 20 hours I felt so frustrated and wanted to give up. It felt impossible.

That's when I made a pretty big decision: I restarted the game entirely.

This time, I went in prepared, following guides pertaining to the Law route. And once I got Ravness in my party, it's like a door unlocked and everything changed for the better.

Now, 200+ hours later, I've been through Palace of the Dead multiple times. I have Warren and Lancelot. I have the Ogre Blade, Armor and Helm, and I can unequivocally say... this really is one of the greatest SRPGs of all time.

Glad I didn't give up on it.


Now if Square could put some effort and give us HD remasters of Chrono Trigger, Dragon Quest 8, Parasite Eve, etc.


One of my favorite things is, after the success of games like Bravely Default is that they really seem to be letting creators just kind of make something they want to make.


World of Final Fantasy is my 'the' favorite FF spinoff 😅 I really hope we get sequel at some point.more people should play it.


I'm usually not a fan of action combat in jrpgs. I've been playing jrpgs since Dragon Warrior 1 and Final Fantasy 1. Turn based is my jam.

Unfortunately it seems like what was once my favorite video game franchise is not doing that anymore. Thankfully for me, Octopath has filled that void and then some! And then add in evolutions to other rpg genres like Triangle Strategy (srpg) and Unicorn Overlord (trpg), and Final Fantasy basically dying for me hasn't been anywhere near as tough a pill to swallow as it could've been.


If anyone haven't, must play The Last Remnant. It is the most criminally underrated masterpiece of Square Enix. It required a sequel but somehow it never gained enough fame. It is a must play from Square Turn based JRPG


Great video. World of Final Fantasy is such an underrated game. I loved every minute of it. I played it on the PS4 but I believe the Xbox version that came out later has extra content, so I’m going to do another run through of that version. Dragon Quest XI was such a great game. I put in over 90 hours on the PS4 version. When do you think we’ll see Dragon Quest 12? Unfortunately, I don’t think till next year.


octopath brought me back to turn based rpgs. I've always loved them since I grew up with FF1 and have played all the FF's, DragonWarriors(quest) and various other RPGs. When Octopath 1 was released I was stoked. played the demo roughly 3-4x and loved loved loved the music. the voice over work really added to the splendor of the game. I really wish they would redo so many other RPGs of yesteryear in the 2.5 3d hd remakes that Square stared with Octo and ran with when dong Live-A-Live and various other RPGs of that nature.


Voice of cards still on my wishlist for couple years 😅


Love those games. All the HD-2D games haven been excellent and better and better. And DQXI is one of the top best games ever made period imo.


Man I really loved Triangle Strategy much more then I expected to based on some initial impressions. I really hope square continues the series, but it seems like based on the recent CEO statements this kind of game which is developed externally may be on the chopping block.


DQ 11 is at the top of my list of best games of all time. Right up there with Chrono Trigger. Octopath 2 is phenomenal and I am anxiously awaiting the DQ remakes. I would love to see them do an HD remake of DQ 1-8. FF did the pixel remasters and DQ is just as iconic. Sea Of Stars proved that a new retro styled turn based RPG is a hit with the game market. Hopefully we see others following the same path and the old names wake up and realize they are missing out.


Got the plat for WoFF, i love that weird stacking system 😂 beat Bravely Default to the bitter painfully long 7x final boss thing.

Currently playing between Bravely D 2, Octopath 1, and Crisis core.

Excited to try a few new things from this list - thanks for potentially adding to my backlog 😂.

Great vid, new sub ❤


Sad that Nier is ending, but its been a hell of a ride for the last 3 yrs.

Dope soundtrack, characters, strategy, and stories.


I tried one of the Voice of cards. It was pretty short, but I did really enjoy, and it did surprise me as how good it was.
I also have Dragon Quest 11, and never finished it. I don't know I just can't get to DQ titles in general, they never really could hold my attention. Except for Dragon Quest Builders 2, I love that one. I don't know, maybe it's the thing when they often try to really spell out things for the player, like it's guiding a small child or something, that ticks me off.
World of Final Fantasy was a big surprise to me too, I was put of by the chibi looks at first, but I really enjoyed the game. And as a big Final Fantasy fan, it was great for nostalgy.
Can vouch for Tringle Strategy as well. I really enjoyed it.


This video made me want to replay many games. Especially bravely default 2.
