The Discovery of KING TUT | The Gold Mask

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The gold mask of Tutankhamun is recognized as one of the world’s most famous works of art. Made of solid gold and weighing some 25 pounds, it’s a masterpiece of early goldsmith’s work. Its value is priceless. But who really knows what it symbolizes?
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I’ve been fascinated with Egypt and King Tut since I was a small boy. I’ve been to see the pyramids and the Spinkx. I finally got to go to the Cairo museum to see all of his treasures, inc his famous gold mask. The workmanship is incredible. I also went across to the Valley of the Kings to go down in his tomb. Very small, as most people say. It fulfilled a boyhood dream to see everything. I’m now 58, and still completely fascinated by it all.


Tut's gold mask is arguably the most breathtakingly beautiful object in all archeological history.


the way the man speaks about this discover, you can really tell this is his passion, and that he truly loves


The most priceless artifact of them all. Beyond comparison.


What puzzles me is not just the gold, but the art and work that was done, several thousand years ago, yet they were able to do sth that only modern technology can unveil


Who knew back in his time that an INSANIFIGIANT boy king would some 3, 000 years later quite literally BECOME the face of Ancient Egypt. AND QUITE POSSIBLY EGYPT herself. His DEATH MASK sealed THAT FATE. Just JAW DROPPING BEAUTIFUL.


Still astonished by how something so accurate was made over 3000 years ago with contemporary tools. We haven't come great leaps compared to that civilisation. Without doubt the most valuable piece of art in the world.


And immortal he became. Forever a great exhibit and story. Egyptians were right.


I'm still completely amazed of how timeless and beautiful it is. It still looks new!


Great video! I just watched this with my 3 year old son and he is infatuated with the greatness and creativity of our ancestors!


This guy could definitely pass as Tom Cruiz.. very great video btw thank you


I took my mom to this exhibit when it came here to San Diego, it was amazing!!!


The gold mask was not meant for Tut. Originally it had a different face on it that was removed and replaced with Tut's likeness, because of his sudden unexpected death they needed one quickly. Even the tomb wasn't meant for him.


The Mask After 3000 years Still looks new, shows the importance of storing some Gold for your personal wealth preservatiion, especially These days


.999 solid Gold is currently valued at $1, 300 an ounce in North America.

There are 16 ounces to a pound, so one pound of solid Gold would be worth about $18, 959.

That Solid Gold, "mask, " weighs about 25 pounds, so in today's market would fetch a handsome $473, 975 in US dollars.

(I did the math so you won't have to. 👍😂)


Wonderful presentation.. quite quite engaging.. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️it. Congrats 🎉🎉


I love gold!! It’s the most versatile metal on the planet. I have had the pleasure of working with gold I mined myself. I was a dental technician and I have cast gold alloy into crowns and bridges. But there’s nothing like pure gold or any gold above 20k. It melts beautifully with heat is not really that hot as far as metals go (1947). We would calibrate our porcelain ovens with a pellet of gold foil. That was in the ‘70’s. Technology has come a long way since then. It must have been incredibly satisfying to the ancients for them to be able to do anything they could imagine with gold given their primitive technology. In the video “ chasing” is blending gold together without any heat. You can actually “ meld” gold together. Which is exactly what happened at the San Francisco mint. Gold bags stacked on top of each other melded into a solid mass and had to be reprocessed into coins. You can see the imprints of the coins on the steel walls of the vaults to this day. Let gold sinking into steel set in. I couldn’t wrap my mind around until I saw it for myself.


Absolutely amazing, to think that thousands of years ago, without the aid of modern technology, the ancient egyptians created such beautiful works of art and architectural achievements, just blows my mind.


That was cool it's nice to know something about the pharaoh of Egypt!


Was the mask made from molten gold poured into a mold, or was it sculpted from a solid block of gold? How did they get the fittings between the gold mask and the colored inlay so exact? I mean to match the curvatures in the hair wrapping around the head, just seems impossible - the blue looks to be single pieces.
