On This Day: The Discovery of King Tut's Tomb

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On November 4, 1922 British archaeologist Howard Carter discovered the entrance to King Tut's tomb in Egypt.

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King Tutankhamun's mummy is still in his tomb KV 62 ( inside a climate-controlled glass case) in the Valley of the Kings.


Very informative ❤️ we are currently studying this chapter in our English literature book. Love you sir from India ❤️❤️


Did u know that actually carter didn’t discover it a kid that was a water boy age 11 found a flat rock that let them enter the tomb


wrongly? brother he spent 30 years looking for something that no one could find for thousands and thousands of years. hes entitled to first pickings


correction, his peasant rock digging servant found the entrance Howard was just the lead archeologist on the dig.


What baffle me the most is that these treasures around the world specifically in Africa had laid there for centuries and centuries... just because they discovered it ... they claimed it, took it to their country and displayed it ... all of this pretending that it's in the name of science and knowledge so that they can hide their own selfish and greedy actions ... what is more sad is when the original countries reclaim their ancestral heritage from museums the latter say that these artefacts are better preserved in better conditions in their museums than in the country of origin where it might be destroyed.... these artefacts were laying there for millions of years dude and well preserved ... let's face the fact that museums know all so well that returning these artefacts to their original countries means their death cause the museums will surely be vastly emptied and they won't make money anymore ... and what is sadder is the fact that most of these stolen artefacts laid for years and years in their stores sh#%!t unrevealed to the public ... so disrespectful ... so shameless ... so greedy ... so selfish ...

Wonder how these so called knowledge knowledge searchers would have reacted if the situation was vice versa where paintings musics scripts books or stone age nordics or celtics assets fragmented walls of churches or castles stolen from them displayed elsewhere and when they reclaimed their belongings all they get as answer is " these artefacts are better preserved here that on their countries of origin " 😅


Why would he keep them?? It doesn't belong to him.


First discovered and then cleaned the place out, how much is in the British museum.


Wht about the two little coffins that nobody talks about


He founded he kept everything you flake


They cloned KING TUT from the DNA
And now I'm watching your video about my mummy 😅🙏
I actually remember ancient Egypt..
Did you know the hearts DNA hold memory
Did you know king Tut is Jesus
