7 Stupid Errors in soldering with tips

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Hello friends, today in this video I've shown how to solder properly avoiding common errors.

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Our factory used to place a monthly order for replacement soldering iron tips. Typical life span was 3 - 4 weeks. I went on an international professional soldering course and the first thing we learnt was "Thou shall NEVER ... repeat NEVER wipe a tip on a wet sponge, neither shall though use abrasives of any kind like scouring pads. We use denim cloth now. Tips now need replaced after 3-4 years. And yes, the manufacturer supplies a sponge, so you can buy lots of replacement tips off them. If your tip needs "cleaning" and a wipe won't do the job, occasionally use a special tip cleaner paste.


You made 3 rookie mistakes. a) I gave up on the wet sponge decades ago. It doesn't do the job well and it cools the tip down. I use the brass wool stuff and it's much more effective. b) You say not to carry solder on the tip, then later on you do just that. You do need some on the tip to make better contact with the wire. Finally, c) in the time it took you to triple the solder, I would have finished 6 joints with the finest solder. Just feed it faster! This is from 45 years experience and I'm still at it.


#1: Learning to solder from a guy on YouTube that doesn't know how to solder.


Great vid....how about number 8....forgetting to put shrink wrap on before you join the 2 wires...


Don't carry solder on tip -- all examples after ... they carry solder on tip. W


This might be the most contradictory video I've ever watched. Thanks YT for the recommendation.


I believe op expressed themselves poorly on tip #2, what i believe they meant is, don't use the carried solder thats on the tip to solder (without feeding more wire). The carried solder's flux is always gone, hence the need to have both a droplet of solder on the iron's tip AND feed more solder.
Cheers, good video


Greetings from the UK 🙋‍♂ I have watched several other soldering tip videos on YT over the past couple of days, and even though they have all informative, this video I found to be the best because of the close-up views. Thanks for taking the time to record and upload it!

I have also taken a quick look at your playlists and video updates, and decided to sub 👍


Error number 8: Using one soldering iron for everything. Better: Select an appropriate size and wattage. Leads on PCBs with through-hole mounting need 15 to 30 W and a conical or chisel-shaped tip, thick wires need 40 or even 60 W, and the chisel-shaped tip is minimum, a bevel type tip might be better.


I started soldering when I was 10 and I'm now 84. I've soldered just about everything that can be soldered and used about every type of device, including a torch. I never, never try to solder without using soldering flux. Oh, and I worked in electronics for 25 years back when discrete components were the norm.


I'm a beginner at soldering, and I can tell this video is riddled with soldering mistakes.


Flux core solder will make your life much easier too...


Copper wire doesn't rust - it just oxidizes. This is also why flux is a good idea when tinning wire. I like the trick of folding thinner solder back on itself, though!


1:56 isn't showing soldering when there are component leads through the holes. One doesn't want so much solder that it forms a hemisphere, because then it's difficult to be sure that it's wetted the lead, and dry joints like that can be a right pain to find.


Anyone that works with homebrew electronics, soldering skills are the first thing you need to master. In my electronics class we spent the first ten days honing our skill before we even started on theory.


I have taught soldering for many years and have written a book on the subject. I thought your video was very good. 👍🏻


The first one is kinda wrong from going though 3m soldering school in the AF its clean dry thermally shocked clean your hot tip off with a rag or paper towel (be smart) then quickly rub it on the damp sponge to shock it. and never leave your soldering iron with out a blob of solder on the tip when done to keep the tin on the soldering iron


Just no... Learn from an actual expert this is painful to watch


98% of these problems could be solved immediately with solder flux. I use a 10$ soldering iron with good solder and flux on all of my electrical projects. I’ve never had an issue.


Ditch the sponge; the brass pot scrubber style cleaners work much better and your tips will last longer. They also don't cool the iron.
