Darts coaching the Dynamite Dave story part 2

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The second and arguably the most important part of the series the stance address and mechanical throw and how it all happened.
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Keep up the good work, a pleasure to watch as always, helped my game immensely!


Hi Dave, I was diagnosed last week with cancer and I was thinking that after all the time I put in trying to be a better player and succeeding I might say, was lost.
I was viewing your chuck and a chat and that got me thinking that I should push forward even with my illness just to prove I can do it and become as good as my potential and my health, lets me. Your insight into teaching the art of darts is exceptional. I look forward to your videos and tips. Thanks again Dave, your the best!


Hi Jim Nixon
Thanks for the great input as usual mate. I love the BDO and without it there would never have been a PDC but and its big one you cant just keep keeping on.
Olly and his crew stifled British Darts for decades and when the split came like a tin pot dictator he tried to crush the guys who knew just what potential was out there and they were proved Dam right.
what really gets me now is the aimless meandering since the lakeside "just how good was it this year only top draw that's all" Then bugger all ARRHH it drives me potty all that poo about partners and new board new ironing board may be...
its like watching the water come up around someone your shouting but there not listening, we are in a commercial world so what if Mr Hearn and the PDC decide to start a lower Grass roots organisation pump in the necessary funding management getting rid of the wheel tappers and shunters and wipe out the BDO likely no possible o yes... Rant over Jim lol


You got a mirror, as I mentioned in one of your previous videos, I practice throwing darts like I used to do “shadow boxing”, “Shadow Darts”! so the mirror is a great idea! On four occasions now my dart has ended up straight in the ass of the shaft of the dart that was was already in the board and it stayed stuck in! Good vid DDL... how did I go in the video I attached in your Bullseye competition!? 🍻


I would just like to give a personal thanks to Carl Fortney for his very generous donation Thanks buddy im am so glad I have helped you along the way and its what makes it all so very rewarding... thanks mate. Dynamite Dave


Thank you vermuch, your video help me a lot. I am Canadian try to go higher in dart ack yard tournament.
How can I suscribe to you ?


Wow! Look at the doubles %! Well done. Your effort is totally paying off and is inspiring.


I’m really loving this series of videos. We the fans are very fortunate that you were able to put in the hard work to change your throw and pass that knowledge onto us. Your advice has helped improve my game farther than I ever could’ve gotten on my own. I really do hope to see you playing on the PDC stage someday!!


Alright again Dave, another good vid.Never a lie hard work pays in the end mate.
Totally agree with your thoughts on the B.D.O. unfortunately they are to stuck in their ways and don`t seem to grasp just how good it could be and also at a grassroots level how important it could be to the development of talent in the game and how it could expand and get on a par with the PDC.
Think they need top class marketers to up the game presentation wise, tournament wise, money wise and move with the times, the oppertunity is right now in the digital age to smash in to the market and to embrace & remember their heritage, they were there long before the PDC but they are stuck in a time warp and unless something or someone steps in it will go the way of the dinosaurs.


You know I heard you say something a few months back that really stuck with me was that when you get a new set of darts you're really pounding them in there and then it tapers off that is 100% a fact I've had that happen to me for years and years what took me a long time to understand was it wasn't so much the Dart as it was me I do notice that I do struggle with a logger Dart 53 54 mm I do seem to do my best between 48 and 51 but when you brought that to light about new darts and how well you throw them versus a week later it's just a simple truth


Thanks for all your excellent work and dedication Dave. Without you many of us would be totally adrift trying to figure this game out. Living where I do in the middle of no where in the US there is no possible other way for me to become better at the game I love other than your videos. When I started again two years ago after a twenty year layoff my only help was to watch and analyze the throws of the two players I considered to have the best throws. Phil Taylor and RVB. For example, there's a nine minute video of Phil Taylor in slow motion that I bet I've watched twenty or thirty times on YouTube. Plus, I'd watch every match theirs and stop and rewind their visits. It was great but limited help. Your videos have totally revamped my approach to the game and I can definitely see the improvement in my accuracy even If I haven't seen my average improve that much. Mainly due to the fact that I suck at moving around the board trying to set up an out. My doubles aren't exactly stellar either. Also, the very limited competition here doesn't help. And on top of that, Cricket is the game of choice here as it is in most of the country. However, my practices are all geared towards 01 because if I can become proficient at that then Cricket is a piece of cake. Like I've said many time to my friends, if you want to know how good you really are at darts, play 501. So far I'm not that good. What I would give to live in the UK for a couple of years and get some proper coaching and face some stiff competition just to improve my game. Keep it up Dave. You're the man.


Well done Dave! Daves tips do help so its well worth giving them a good try I know I can throw better when I follow them but I have a few iffy joints so I end up having to go back to my chest on stance which is not so great but if you can do it Daves way it works well :)


"A monopoly in anything isn't ever good." Truer words were never spoken. And it's ironic because the monopoly the BDO had on darts for so long is what eventually lead to its downfall because it allowed them to ignore the changing landscape and the mounting criticism from players and fans. Their attitude was "Leave and we'll ban ya, then where ya gonna go?"

Do you have any commentary on the difference between male and female players? It perplexes me as to why the best in the world, who are super awesome and better than I'll ever be, , still can't quite hang with the best male players in the world. If you watch an elite female violin soloist they're every bit as good as the men and move their body at a lightning quick pace, doing unbelievably precise movements, so I just can't quite fathom why in darts, another activity that's all coordination, they're a step behind.


Top man Dave thanks for all the help so true you only get out of it what ya put in!
