FIRST TIME CURLING 🥌 #curling #winterolympics #wintersports #shorts

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Curling is like golf. There are many ways to swing a golf club. Many ways people do it but you would not teach it. It's the same way with delivering a curling stone. Additionally, curling has no requirement that you actually slide. All you have to do is start in the proper side of the hack and let go of the stone before it reaches the near hog line. Note that the title of the video is "first time curling." May be that all the instructor wants to do at this point in the lesson is getting her to let go of the stone and put a rotation on it. My guess is that later in this lesson she will attempt to deliver the stone while sliding.


This is at the flower bowl up in garstang in Preston (next to Barton Grange) and it is the only curling ring in the UK (not including Scotland etc), what she Is doing in this video is the "family try curling" or the "introduction to curling", they don't teach you to slide, they only teach you how to get the stone down to the other end (which personally, as a curler myself pains me to watch people not slide, but hey it's still fun either way) so technically this isn't proper curling with the rules but it is still curling (in a way) but still - very good shot I must add 👍


When was this that u did this, it looks like the old ice before they redid the ice, the old ice was incredibly slow and was annoying (ur probably not going to understand this part I'm going say) but for a guard it was something along the lines of 3.8 - 4 seconds which for a guard is slow, now with the newly done ice, for a guard is along the lines of 3 - 3.5, it doesn't sound like a big difference, but believe me, when ur curling, those milliseconds mean all the difference 🤣 also with redoing the ice, the ice is clean, so the stone isn't going to pick up any dust/dirt from the brushes provided (they do need a wash tho - I have mentioned it to one of the staff members) so the stone isnt going one way, picks up the dirt and goes in the opposite direction, which happened to me when I was playing a game, we needed 1 point - basically a stone in the house, and I took a more advanced option of going through 3 stones to the right instead of going through 1 stone on the left, and the stone was swinging /curling inwards so was going towards the button on the right side, I turned my back for one second, and the stone had gone from the right hand side of the playing sheet, the the left completely loosing momentum, luckily there was me and one of my mates, and we are decent sweepers, and managed to sweep it into the corner of the house, but just be aware, any stone that Is played, can be subject to hitting dirt and going in the opposite way, if the ice isn't prepared properly (MATT!)

After all this? I did want to inform you that if you ever play curling again, be cautious of dirt - it can really ruin the game 🤣🤣


When was this sport a thing. You basically learn how to clean floors quickly


So what is with strongest vocals and vibrating hands win ?


¡¡Estuvo bien para ser la primera vez!! ¡Quién sabe algún día compitas en una olimpíada!!


Παντα ειθελα να παιζω cerling ❤🎖🥇⛸ αλλα το σταματισα στα10


Bro thats not curling curling is what you do in a gym bruh
