Defenders LIVE! // The Probability of the Resurrection

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📺 Defenders LIVE! 🤺 // Doctrine of Creation pt: 18: The Probability of the Resurrection //

Today we want to turn to Hume’s first claim that the evidence for a miracle is by definition utterly improbable. In order to show that no evidence could possibly establish the historicity of a miracle, Hume needs to show that the intrinsic probability of a miracle like the resurrection is unacceptably low...
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Does the background information, B, include reasons to believe something like a resurrection of Messiah should happen? This is not specific evidence, E, of Jesus' resurrection. It is only reasons to believe it. For example, if we had mathematical derivations that predict that protons will decay, is this part of the background information for the probability of a proton actually decaying?


So what’s the probability that the Greek god Apollo raised Aristeas of Proconnesus from the dead supernaturally? Well, clearly Apollo is real and had the power and the will to raise Aristeus, so it’s close to 100%. Therefore, you should believe in Apollo.

Christians, what line of reasoning do you have that doesn’t equally apply to nonsense like this?
