The Attack on Pearl Harbor

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On December 7, 1941 the Japanese attached Pearl Harbor, Hawaii leading the United States into World War II. Learn about the attack on Pearl Harbor in this middle school friendly video.

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My late mother, who would have been 98, had an American penpal in the late 1930s called Weldon Havens, and they exchanged letters frequently. I still have some of those he sent her. He was killed at Pearl Harbour and she kept his name alive out of respect. She always cried when she recalled that his mother took the time in her grief to write to her in England and tell her what had happened to him. May he rest in peace.


Today is the 80th Anniversary of the attack on Pear Harbor. God Bless All Those Brave Men and Women Who Lost Their Lives So Long Ago. We Will Never Forgot You.


Never forget so it will never be repeated.


Japan actually issued a declaration of war against the USA and the British Empire within hours of the attack.


It was this event that begun my fascination with my aviation and ww2 history.

I visited Pearl Harbor in 2009 and I couldn’t even watch the film they showed to the tourist visiting.

This was no longer a research a project, this was the real place where it all happened.

It hit me so hard and I cried so hard.


I was stunned to find that my Dad's (RAF) Brother had actually written to Mitsuo Fuchida in the early 1970's
He'd bought a commemorative 'First Day Cover' (stamp set) made in 1971, with "Tora, Tora, Tora" on it.
He didn't reply straight away, but DID reply the following year & wrote him a full letter (amazingly), apologising for not writng back sooner - Also stunned to find he'd visited London as a 'Presbyterian Church Minister' which frankly blew me away.
Before he died, my RAF Uncle photocopied the actual letter (& the F.D.C) & gave me a full A.3 sized copy, which I now have in the loft / attic, inside a Monogram Boeing B.17 box for safekeeping - sadly, my cousin who died, had the original of both

Whilst the 7th Dec' 41 attack was truly bad news, I was actually pleased (as an older man), that both Mitsuo Fuchida & Saburo Sakai had turned their lives around from fearsome Japanese warrior / aviators, to peaceful & favourable interactions with the United States people - Saburo Sakai as a Buddhist & Mitsuo Fuchida as a Church Minister.

I also recall reading (decades ago), that, Postwar, Mitsuo Fuchida had done a Christian Church tour directly with one of the B.25 Mitchell navigators on the famous "Doolittle Raid" (launched from USS Hornet)


It wasn't just the navy base, the Army Air Corps base nearby was also attacked, putting those forces out of commission for some time.


I want anyone reading this to understand that I believe Memorial Day is for remembering all the people who have lost their lives in wars and not just a day for picnics and sales. I’m not sure that a lot of young people realize just what that day stands for just like December 7, 1941. A lot of people know about 9-11 but that is fading too, just like Christmas and Easter is sales and feasts. Thanksgiving isn’t a time for family to get together and be thankful, it’s a day to get ready to go and spend big piles of money, excuse me, I mean charge items that are so overpriced and has put so many people in debt. Black Friday…..that is appropriate for what it has become, actually sales start on Thanksgiving. 😢😢


Rest In Peace my patriots. You will shortly rise again in another assigned life. Till later my friends, Gull.


After Bombing Pearl Harbour, the Japanese bombed Darwin Australia including 2 American Ships.
Some Americans are unaware that 236 people, including 113 American died.
(A few vids on YouTube about it)
The 2 American ships sunk were the USS Peary, HMAS Mavie, USAT Meigs, MV Neptuna from four of the same aircraft carriers used at Pearl Harbour.

The 4-inch gun from the USS Peary was salvaged and installed overlooking the harbour at the USS Peary Memorial in 1992. On 19 February of that year, two US survivors of the sinking returned to dedicate the memorial, and to dedicate a plaque to Lieutenant Robert J Buel, who was the first Allied serviceman to die in aerial combat in the Darwin region.

It is estimated that approximately 683 bombs were dropped on Darwin over the two attacks. In Darwin Harbour 10 ships were sunk and another 25 ships were damaged while at the airfields 23 aircraft were destroyed.
Videos on YouTube are called -
WW2 in Australia The Bombing of Darwin.


seaman 1st class francis "frank " reagan, of uss schley dd 103 . he was at the base hospital., at the beginning of the attack helping to save the wounded. a 500 pound Japanese bomb picked him up and threw him 90 feet into the side of a building head first . he served the next 33 years at danville soldiers and sailors hospital. he sleeps at camp butler national cemetery . an unknown american hero.


80 years today December 7 1941- December 7 2021


"You have pricked the side of a mighty beast and entirely failed to run"
- Dorium Maldovar


Thank you all for your service u gave your lives not really they were taken away


The one simple thing the Japanese did appreciate was that they were destroying the fleet in very shallow waters. Yamamoto himself said our industrial building might was second to none. They didn't appreciate how fast we would repair those battleships. And we were very lucky actually because those carriers just happened to be out on maneuvers


Remembering the 81st Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. God Bless You All.


Top 10 historical mistakes caught on tape.


My wife's grand uncle was a fireman onboard the Oklahoma. They found his remains, and he's being buried on Sept 9th, 2024. The news and everything has been here. It's a big deal.


Dedicated to the U.S.S. Arizona BB-39 (1915 - 1941)


Thanks this was amazing and thank you for giving me answer to my essay
