meet the dregs | a six of crows song

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I'm not a singer, I'm just having fun!

OG song: Meet the Plastic - Mean Girls The Musical


Woah. Who is at that table over there?

Don't look at them, just don't!
We call those three 'The Dregs'
They're shiny, fake, and hard

They play their little mind games
All around Ketterdam

They might insult your clothing
Or make fun of your name

Like they mocked John Morecock
'Til he burst into flames

And Mr. Morecock was a mercher

Kaz Brekker is the queen bee
He’s always dressed up
He always rule the city
We're just drones that work for him
And then die

My name is Kaz Brekker
And I am a massive deal
Fear me, love me
Stand and stare at me
And these, these are real
I've got money and looks
I am, like, drunk with power
This whole city
Humps my leg like a chihuahua
I'm the prettiest poison you've ever seen
I never lost more than one-fifteen
My name is Kaz Brekker
And I am a massive deal
I don't care who you are
I don't care how you feel

That’s Inej Ghafa
She knows everything about everybody

That’s why her hood is so big, it's full of secrets

Yes, Kaz
No, Kaz
Every waking hour
I spend making sure Kaz
Brekker can stay in power
If Kaz is the sun
Then I'm a disco ball
'Cause I'm just as bright and fun
If you've had alcohol
I rip your secrets out of you
And bring them to my master
Then I watch Kaz Brekker make your life a big disaster
Kaz is the king
But I'm the head of worker bees
I am seated at his right hand
Like a Jewish Princess Jesus

That is Jesper Fahey
The dumbest gambler you will ever meet

I once saw him put 1000 kruges in an easy game.

My name is Jesper
My bag is empty
My pistols are perfect
My temper is shorter
It barely covers
The whole day
My name is Jesper
I may not be smart...
That's it

We never really do this
But how would you like to
Join us in this mission

Oh, it's okay, I…

No, no need for you to thank us
There's no need to even speak

You're new and you don't know things
You need good friends who can tell you what to think
See you here same time tomorrow

On Wednesday we will leave

On Wednesday we will leave!
Wear something nice and grab a bag
'Cause we don't do this everyday
Say here's where you belong
Say - Say - Say here’s where you belong

No, really. Say it

Say here's where you belong!

Here’s where I belong!

Come with us tomorrow
You’ll be a Dreg!

Ciao a tutti lettori e benvenuti in questo nuovo video!
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Spero di sentirvi presto,


✔ Instagram: @saradallapalma

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