School Lockdown - YouTuber ClearlyChloe's Scary Story
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YouTuber ClearlyChloe is full of light, has a great and fast-growing YouTube channel, an amazing attitude, and a huge heart! She's also a great storyteller, with a lot of funny and serious stories to tell. Her stories are always true and this one is a true scary story. Not Scary Little Sister or Bloody Mary scary, this is legit scary.
In this, her second storybooth animation story, Chloe shares her experience at school, when her classroom is put into lockdown, and it's not a drill! As far as the teacher and the kids know, it's the real thing.
And, as if that isn't bad enough, her Teacher was nervous, too young, and totally inexperienced. It was a scary classroom to begin with and the Teacher couldn't control the class, so, the kids did pretty much whatever they wanted. She tried to teach, but ultimately just got totally stressed out - crazy really - and there was just no structure in the classroom, ever. The Teacher was a wreck, crying in class, telling the kids that they were the worst kids ever and were ruining her life. Even though the Teacher was a hot mess pretty much every day, and even though that sometimes made school difficult, it was also kind of hilarious to watch, entertaining at the very least.
But it wasn't funny one day, just in the middle of a lesson, when the Teacher looked up at the digital clock and turned completely white. The clock wasn't showing the time, it was showing the word "bell" - a code word for LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES THAT ARE NOT A PRACTICE DRILL. The kids didn't know that, but the Teacher did, and she totally freaked out.
She ordered the kids to huddle in the corner, and didn't instill them with a lot of confidence or any sense of safety at all - instead, she burst out crying and shaking and sat in the corner behind her own desk trying to take deep breathes but really hyperventilating. This was the moment when the gravity of what was happening hit Chloe and her classmates - this was not a school lockdown drill, it was a real school lockdown, maybe with a live shooter, and the only adult in the room was more scared and panicking more than the kids!
Chloe was so scared - it felt like life and death was on the line, it was total panic time. The student were crying, danger and anxiety seemed like they was everywhere. She went to her Teacher and asked, "Are we going to die?" and, in a grave and trembling voice, the Teacher looked her in the eyes and said - "I don't know." That was it. This sent the whole class into hysterics. Students were trying to escape. Some kids were even throwing themselves against the windows, wanting to climb out, and Chloe imagined the worst - guns, shooting, her own funeral. She imagined all the things she hadn't yet done in her life. She thought about dying, about her last seconds on earth. Would this be another school shooting?
And suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Everybody froze! Was it a shooter, gunmen, an attacker, a killer, the police, the SWAT team, the Army? It occurred to Chloe that a school shooter probably would not knock before entering, and she thought that was kind of weird. And finally, the Teacher must have thought the same thing because she got our from behind her desk and opened the door.
It was the Teacher from the class next to theirs, and outside in the hall, everything was totally normal. Their Teacher asked - still shaken - "what's happening? Isn't there a lockdown?!" And the other Teacher said "No, they were just working on the clocks." And that was it, no lockdown, no shooter, no threat, no danger and even though Chloe was of course relieved, it ultimately made her sad to think of what her world has come to - where schools are put into lockdowns and students are afraid for their lives in what is supposed to be a second home and safe place.
This kind of storytime is both one of those scary stories and awkwardly funny at the same time, right? Mr Nightmare Lockdown Scary.
Instagram: @thestorybooth
Twitter: @thestorybooth
storybooth is a digital platform that invites young people to record and submit their stories for a chance to have them animated and shared with the world. Embarrassment, heartbreak, challenges or triumphs; funny, sad, serious, or silly - we're looking for all kinds of stories - they just need to be real.