Every 80's Kid Wanted one of these! - Tamiya Lunchbox

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As a 10yr Old, this was my Dream RC Monster Truck! Tamiya Lunchbox 2.0? If Tamiya made one. It's is my favourite Tamiya Monster Truck and has some special memories for me. I bought this Black Edition quite some time ago, how cool did it turn out!

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Wow, copying people's titles now are we Tomley! You should be ashamed!


I got the hornet when i was 14 back in the 80s and had always wanted a lunchbox. Here i am at 48 in japan thanks to the army and one day while walking around in Tokyo i happened to RANDOMLY walk by a Tamiya playmodel factory (and with the power of adult money lol) i now am the proud owner of a black edition


Blimey, these Tamiya RCs take me back. I was OBSESSED, used to read the catalogue over and over again. My first car, as was probably everyone's, was the hornet. The first time that motor turned and the car came alive my heart was sold forever.


My first rc was a Tamiya Wild Willy. My first real wrenching experience, first soldering ever. Loved it!
Turned 15, got a moped and started chasing girls for a couple of years while Willy spent time in a box.

Got tired of the girls but pulled my Willy out anyway and stuffed a Kyosho Mega motor in it. Made crazy wheelies and had a run time of three minutes... Loved it even more!


I’m 49 always wanted one of these as a child and all the rich kids had them . Just bought one after watching this video and can’t wait to be a 12 year old again


The Lunch Box was my first hobby grade RC. I built it with my dad as a kid. I found it sitting in a box at my mom’s house and restored it. Now it’s part of the collection I’ve built for my own children.


I had my 1st lunchbox in 1986 and a junior too. Got my 2nd one in 2022. Only RC i want and need. My daily joy in life.


I worked all summer long in my dads auto repair shop when I was 11 (1986) to buy the Tamiya Midnight Pumpkin. Favorite RC ever!


Yes! I had one as a kid. When we finished building it I thought, we don’t need the wheelie bar. Took it out on the driveway, hit the gas, it immediately wheelied and flipped backwards on my freshly painted body 😂 Took my butt right back inside the house and mounted the wheelie bar!


I had a Blackfoot in 1990, winter time so I made ramps out of snow. My best friend had a Midnight Pumpkin, which was faster and sturdier... He did an amazing electric blue paint job on it. I loved my Blackfoot, but it seems like the Pumpkin and Hornet were sturdier and faster, but man when that Blackfoot was done it looked amazing out of the box. I think the Lunch Box, Monster Beatle and Midnight Pumpkin were about the same chassis? We knew one kid that had a Clodbuster about 1 hour bike ride away from us, but we had to make the trip just to see that thing. It was a beast! Thanks for the memories.


The original Lunchbox was the first "kit" rc I ever had when I was a kid. Used to race it at the local tracks in the monster truck class. Against Monster Beetles and Blackfoots. I did pretty well with it. Ball bearings, adjustable gearing adaptor and the yellow CVS shocks we had back then. I'm 46 now and I want to get another one. I had such good times with it.


Recently helped my father in law get back into RC by building a Tamiya Monster Beetle. He said it took him straight back to being a kid again, really enjoyed building it and it was.. Well.. Interesting to say the very least.. But he's now back into the hobby and looking for something faster RTR as he doesn't want to ruin the Beetle as its such a nostalgic trip for him! Just couldn't believe all the plastic bearings! But he enjoyed and loved every minute building it up and that very first run was incredible, knowing its all been built right and running with no issues!


As a kid back in the 80's I wanted and had the tamiya frog, it was the only one for me and I still love it now. But now in my 50's I have the tamiya lunchbox and have to say it is a properly fun truck, not as nimble as my frog obviously and it has the ability to roll very easily but it looks so good and loads of fun to use.


Love it! Lunchbox is one of the all time classics!

I've modded mine so much it's not quite the same thing anymore but I still love it in it's own right. One of my favourites to use.

I'm slowly building another one though which will only have hopups and not any drastic mods like the double wishbones and 4-link my current one has.

Amusing to see people doubt the strength of the drivetrain. It's probably the most durable all plastic gearbox ever made for RC, especially considering it has no clutch. There's a guy with videos of one running 6s on youtube and even he has only had a couple of issues this whole time and the spares are cheap as chips.


Haha I had one. Had to put drag rails at the back to stop it from flipping over once u boosted it…..thanks for the memories….


I’ve got a kit unopened. I tear out all the new electronics from my new cars. I wasn’t going to go brushless but I’m going to now! Just the name of it, we didn’t get the joke when we were younger. Lol, our rich kid had a rc10. I had the Marui Hunter, cheapest at the time, 2 best friends had monster beetle and lunch box. They both died so I’m doing tribute builds. Found all 3! Just bought the Tamiya repops. Marui went out of business in 85 I believe. That was hard to get. Took years of getting all the parts. Cost me double the price of an xmaxx. Worth it for nostalgia. Thanks for the memories and built advise! 👊🔥💯


My childhood came flooding back in an instant as soon as I saw the thumbnail.


Nice. I still have my kyosho optima and galaxy from new when i was a kid. Im 42 now. I think my dad loved it as much as i did. Complete with le mans gold motor, ball raced, and SC( yes pre E-sc era) and a handful of Ni-cads. I still call on the knowledge gained from building it when working on full size cars these days and understanding chassis dynamics, suspension etc. Great memories. These days i get my rc fix from building and flying fpv race drones which led to my current job hand making prototype surgical instruments/equipment to go inside beating hearts for cardiovascular research. Magic does happen when you truly love and are passionate about something. Thumbs up!


Wow this video takes me back.I was 9 back in 1984 and my mum bought me a hornet for xmas.There was a shop called beatties here in Cardiff and i remember seeing my first RC car being driven outside there, it was a red Subaru brat and i was immediately begging for an rc car
Back in mid 80s the cars i was seeing on them Tamiya promo video were cars like hotshot, bigwig, monster beetle.Great memories


My 3rd RC and my first NEW hobby grade RC. Painted the body red and the wheels white. Shaved the tires to make them lighter, hopped up the motor and battery, and drilled holes in the tub for weight reduction. It was so much fun, and surprisingly stable for being top heavy, and very capable off-road. also trimmed the springs and got a wheel bearing kit.
