Oi-zuki / Gyaku-Zuki

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Oi-zuki is a compliment to the Choku-zuki and Kizami-zuki with foot movement. It is performed as lunge and thrust punch with the lead hand. In addition to the block techniques, Oi-zuki is one of the first techniques a student learns.
Oi-zuki is used as a defensive counter if you are being rushed. If an attacker is closing distance, stepping into Oi-zuki means they run into an immovable structure which ruins their attack, their own structure and balance.
A counterpart to Oi-zuki is the Gyaku-zuki (Reverse Punch).
Gyaku-zuki in another of the basic punches. The reverse punch is sometimes called a counter punch because the lead hand may be used to block an attack with the non-leading hand free to counter.
Gyaku-zuki is more powerful than Oi-zuki because power is generated by rotation of the hips with the thrust of the punch.
Oi-zuki is used as a defensive counter if you are being rushed. If an attacker is closing distance, stepping into Oi-zuki means they run into an immovable structure which ruins their attack, their own structure and balance.
A counterpart to Oi-zuki is the Gyaku-zuki (Reverse Punch).
Gyaku-zuki in another of the basic punches. The reverse punch is sometimes called a counter punch because the lead hand may be used to block an attack with the non-leading hand free to counter.
Gyaku-zuki is more powerful than Oi-zuki because power is generated by rotation of the hips with the thrust of the punch.
Oi-zuki / Gyaku-Zuki
Karate punch: Oi-Zuki / Gyaku-Zuki
punching combination: Oi zuki gyaku zuki
Oi zuki - Gyaku zuki karate punches - Oi tsuki and Gyaku tsuki
oi tsuki gyaku tsuki
2nd Kyu Syllabus Kizami Zuki Oi Zuki Gyaku Zuki Brown Belt Basics
OI ZUKI - karate forward punch - TEAM KI
Step back oi tsuki, frem mawashi geri, oi tsuki, gyaku tsuki.
Oi Zuki + Gyaku Zuki Combination
Oi Zuki Chudan, Zenkutsu Dachi | IKD Testing Syllabus videos | Shotokan Karate 2013
Oi zuki - Gyaku - zuki. karatê.
Kihon - Oi-zuki & Gyaku-zuki
Oi Zuki (pursuing punch) in Kihon Kumite (basic sparring)
Karate - Oizuki & Gyakuzuki - Lunge Punch & Reverse Punch
Front kick combination - Mae geri, oi zuki, gyaku zuki
avança oi-zuki gyaku-zuki / recua uchi-uke kizame-zuki gyaku-zuki / avança oi-zuki gyaku-zuki...
Karatepraxis Quick & Dirty #10: Soto Uke / Kizami Zuki / Gyaku Zuki / Oi Zuki
Gedan Barai - Oi Zuki
Tipos básicos de murros no Karatê: kizami Zuki | gyaku Zuki | Oi zuki.
[E8] Basic combo: Gedan barei, Mai geri, Oi zuki, Gyaku zuki
Seidokan Saturday 45, 10th kyu Yellow belt - Oi zuki & Gyaku zuki
Oi-zuki / Gyaku-zuki defence.