Oi-zuki / Gyaku-Zuki

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Oi-zuki is a compliment to the Choku-zuki and Kizami-zuki with foot movement. It is performed as lunge and thrust punch with the lead hand. In addition to the block techniques, Oi-zuki is one of the first techniques a student learns.

Oi-zuki is used as a defensive counter if you are being rushed. If an attacker is closing distance, stepping into Oi-zuki means they run into an immovable structure which ruins their attack, their own structure and balance.

A counterpart to Oi-zuki is the Gyaku-zuki (Reverse Punch).
Gyaku-zuki in another of the basic punches. The reverse punch is sometimes called a counter punch because the lead hand may be used to block an attack with the non-leading hand free to counter.
Gyaku-zuki is more powerful than Oi-zuki because power is generated by rotation of the hips with the thrust of the punch.
Рекомендации по теме

Many thanks for the clear explanations for thwe two most iconic punches. Final, I got the message that oi tzuki is also as a defensive counter punch! May be, some partner presentation could help in this strict form. Paul, 69, retired instructor of Karate.


WHY don't you combine them??? After oi-zuki comes a gyaku INSTANTLY!!!
