10 Proven Ways to Speed Up Fat-Burning

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These are 10 actual ways to speed up fat burning to lose weight faster. Find out how to boost weight loss. If you want to burn fat faster or if you want to speed up your metabolism this video will help you do just that.

Losing weight and burning fat can be very challenging, and it's especially hard to stick it out if you don't see quick wins in the form of results either in the mirror or at least on the scale. Luckily there are simple and effective ways to significantly speed up this process. Whether it's changing your diet, increasing your physical activity, or making small lifestyle changes, there are many options available to help boost your metabolism and get your body burning fat more efficiently. So today I want to go over 10 simple ways to speed up your fat loss, and each one is backed by scientific evidence proven to be effective at helping people lose weight and burn fat.

And first I want to start with a technique that many of you have never heard of known as A protein-sparing modified fast or PSMF in short. This is a weight loss approach designed to get lean as fast as possible. It accomplishes this by putting you through a low-carb, low-fat, high-protein diet that restricts calorie intake to a minimal level. The PSMF diet typically only includes lean protein sources such as chicken, fish, and turkey, as well as low-carb vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower. Other foods are avoided. Now, before you go ahead and implement this strategy, I would only do this if you have a body fat percentage over 26 percent as a male and 39 percent as a female. In those scenarios, you can implement a PSMF for two weeks on, and then take two weeks off where you bring your calories back to maintenance with a more even distribution of protein carbs and fats, just make sure you're not exceeding maintenance calories.  four to twelve.  weeks without risking muscle loss as long as you get enough protein and are also lifting weights. Also if you’re leaner than 26 percent body fat as a man and 39 percent as a woman, I wouldn’t implement it on a consistent schedule. Instead, just follow a protein-sparing modified fast diet one or two non-consecutive days per week where you eat according to the PSMF guidelines. You want to try to do this on days that you’re not exercising because your body doesn’t need the additional calories on those days. Simply only consume lean protein sources and avoid all other foods. Make sure to get at least .73 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day while following this schedule. Even though following this kind of eating style can be challenging, when it's done right, it’s one of the, if not the, fastest ways to lose weight while retaining muscle mass.

Another strategy instead of a protein-sparing modified fast is to simply do a more aggressive cut. In other words, you increase your calorie deficit. Keep in mind that once again your current level of body fat determines how much more aggressively you can cut your calories back without losing muscle and if you don't know your body fat percentage just stick with me I'll show an easy way to figure it out. So If you're a male with over 26% body fat or a female with over 39% body fat, you can shoot for a calorie deficit of 40-50% under maintenance calories. If you're a man with between 21 and 26% body fat or a female with between 33 to 39% body fat, you shouldn't create more of a calorie deficit than 30 to 40% below maintenance. If you're 14 to 21% body fat as a man or 24 to 33% body fat as a woman, go for a calorie deficit of 20-30% under maintenance. And finally, if you're 10 to 14% body fat as a man 14 to 24% as a woman you can go for a calorie deficit between 5 to 20%. (**)

Even with these more aggressive deficit numbers, you shouldn't worry about losing muscle. As long as you're getting enough protein, lifting weights, and getting enough sleep, the amount of muscle you'll lose should be minimal. For example, in a study where men and women were placed on an 800-calorie-per-day diet for 12 weeks, they managed to still maintain their muscle mass as long as they were weight training 3 times a week. (1) Also, In another study, obese men were instructed to eat 1,000 fewer calories per day while lifting weights 3 days a week and they were able to maintain their muscle mass while dropping over 20 pounds of fat. (2)
This actually brings us to my next point. You should primarily focus your workouts on strength training and muscle growth because that'll help you maintain muscle mass as you drop body fat. Maintaining muscle mass is not only beneficial from an aesthetic perspective, but also from a long-term weight loss perspective because carrying more muscle will improve your metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Now aside from eating enough protein, the best way to prevent muscle loss while dieting is to make sure that you...
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1. Researchers found when men and women followed a 12-week diet containing only 800 calories per day, they were able to maintain their muscle mass as long as they lifted weights three times per week.

2 Obese men restricted their calorie intake by eating 1, 000 fewer calories per day than normal for 15 weeks. They took part in a resistance training plan three days per week and were able to maintain all of their muscle mass while losing over 20 pounds of fat.

3. Consuming an additional 14 grams of fiber per day tends to result in a decrease of 10% in total energy intake.

4. Those who consume more added sugars tend to be heavier than those who don’t.

5. Multiple studies have shown that substituting sugary foods and drinks with artificially sweetened alternatives, such as diet soda, can help lower calorie intake and support weight loss.

6. Most human studies indicate that artificial sweeteners, including aspartame and sucralose, are safe when consumed in the recommended amount.

7. According to a resource by Harvard Health Publishing, a 185-pound person can burn up to around 577 calories in just 30 minutes of doig a HIIT cycling session.

8. Iodine is vital for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, which impact metabolism.

9. Calcium benefits weight loss by affecting adipocyte metabolism.

10. Zinc impacts metabolism. In one case study, a zinc-deficient woman raised her resting metabolic rate by 527 calories a day just by fixing that deficiency.

11. Iron is crucial for energy production, so getting enough of this mineral benefits workout performance while being deficient reduces endurance capacity, resistance to fatigue, and strength.

12. Vitamin D impacts appetite. Some researchers believe that not having enough of it contributes to obesity by promoting a higher food intake.


Ok, Here We Go:
1 - 0:37 - Protein-Sparing Modified Fast (diet with max protein; min carbs/fat)
2 - 2:15 - Do more Aggressive cut; but be careful; depends on your current body-fat
3 - 3:41 - Focus workouts on Strength Training and Muscle Growth
4 - 4:57 - Start your meal with either Salad/Veggies/Low-Calorie Soup
5 - 5:57 - Eat More Fiber (to maintain calorie deficit)
6 - 6:48 - (If you Crave for sugar) replace with artificial sweeteners
7 - 7:51 - Walk More Throughout the week
8 - 9:12 - Try High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
9 - 9:49 - Get All Essential Vitamins and Minerals
10 - 11:13 - You Must Be consistent!


I lost 185 pounds in the last 4 weekda just by listening to your advice! I now weight only 2 pounds. Never felt this good in my life


Thanks to your advice and instructional videos I've lost a total of 240 pounds after returning to the gym after having sleeve surgery. I went from 440 to 200 and the routines and eating habits you suggested help a great deal. So Thanks and I hope more people watch!


Thanks! I'm doing the reverse grip bench press as you said for upper chest, and it is much better than the incline indeed!


You are a mind reader! Just the video I needed! I've been stuck for months and I don't know what else to do... Thank you so much for this video!


I can’t tell you how beneficial this video is. I’m a 64-year-old bodybuilder with around a 19% body fat I have employed some of his methods and continue to lose weight (fat) and yet maintain muscle.


Great video! I learned a few new and helpful tips. Thank you!


I've lost 10 lbs since January. I'm doing a slow weight loss, and so far, I haven't lost any strength, and I'm losing body fat at the same time.


Just what I needed, gonna start this today.


PSMF sounds much more achievable and reasonable than the traditional fasts. Great info!


During my teenage years, I played sports, especially cardio, then combined cardio with strength training. Now that I am 50, I feel like I am 30 in terms of my shape and figure. The reason is that physical activity keeps me in shape


I’m the real prove of everything you said, after 2 weeks of fast walking 1 hour 6km and push up, flex, plank and low calories diet the difference in my appearence is completely amazing, if I continue like this during a whole month I think I will be at least at 12-13% fat but I want to be at 10% to start growing muscles specially to make my chocolate table to come back.


I really like your content, I have been watching this chanel for years.


Very interesting, currently doing 4 day fasts with 1 day of keto in between!


Thank you! You've videos are great.


Thank you for all your excellent videos


Love you guys. You gave me the push to do something about it. I'm already training like a madman, but my diet is truly despicable.
My local supermarket has seasoned roasted chickens, no extra calories. I think I'll go get one of those and the walk over there instead of sitting on my ass and ordering pizza from now on.
I already have an airfrier I can prep a small portion of rice and peas or w/e in while I'm gone.


I've been watching your channel for maybe over 5 yrs or 4 using tips and knowledge from your videos I was 158kg now I'm sitting at 114kg i still have a fair bit of fat but I was wondering if I should start building muscle


I already do the PSMF diet without knowing it had a name! I do this one day a week, and so far, it has helped me control middle-age spread. Been doing this for a few years, as the phase 4 of the Dukan diet (a controversial diet, so I'm not recommending it, especially for significant weight loss—i only had 5 kg to lose). Anyway, v the PSMF approach is interesting!
