What Happens to men who stay Bachelor forever

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What Happens to men who stay Bachelor forever
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Had an uncle died a few years ago never married died at about 90 years old... always happy the entire time I knew him...


As a single man everything I buy is at 50% off😅.


"Marriage is prison, you're doing time." - Cosmo Kramer


I got married at 39 and as I look back, I should have never done it. I ended it 6 years later. I was only happy about 6 months, but stayed in it thinking it would get better. It was absolutely the worst decision I ever made. The feeling of helplessness and being trapped was overwhelming. I have been single for 15 years and the thought of even living with a woman scares me. Women have been the root of all the major problems in my life and if it were not for sex, I would avoid them completely.


I love being single. When I visit friends and see the way their wives and girlfriend treat them I am horrified. What a terrible price to pay for bad company and third-rate sex.

A relationship is like a heroin addiction. It's starts off as the best thing in the world, and then ends up destroying you mind, body and soul and your only "high" are brief periods of normality.


I was married 14 years and have been Divorced for 21 years. The first 4 years after divorce I spent dating until one day on a date it just dawned on me that I was happier being alone. One thing is for sure, I'm not worrying about another lady divorcing me and taking half of everything I own again. It took me years to build my self back up financially after divorce and in my senior years I just want to live in peace.


I'm 43, never married, no kids, live alone, no debt, no college degree, no financial responsibilities other than for myself, and I'm retired (F.I.R.E.). I literally wake up whenever I want, I get out of bed when I want, I wear what I want, I make as much or as little noise as I want. I have traveled to and/or lived-in 68 countries, became a scuba instructor because...why not? I go to any event I want to go to with whomever I want to go with. And the list of freedoms go on and on. Being able to sidestep most of life's landmines is a real superpower.


I was talking to my aunt about places I'd like to travel to and areas I'd like to hike. She responded "well you had better get all of that out of your system before you get married, because your wife isn't going to put up with that."

Sounds like a great deal


Man the comments from the seasoned men give me hope and encouragement that I’m on the right path. Been single for 2 years, walked away from a relationship right before proposing. I definitely dodged a bullet. Now I travel the world, been to Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Spain, and currently I’m in Portugal. One of the greatest blessings in disguise. I found my passion after focusing on myself and not a relationship. God Bless you brothers.


Exactly. Married men make more money because they have to. That means the man has a lot more stress and has to work a lot more to pay for everyone else.


Nope, l'm single, retired, no kids, and I'm LOADED. Life is fantastic! You can have your families, and wives and girlfriends, l'll just keep to myself, and enjoy all my free time and money. Stay single, and stay happy!


Coming up 73yrs young, single for all of them, in all that time I have NEVER, come across ONE, good reason to take up with a female. It's just not worth it, now more than ever. Stay single and stay safe guys.


Most men don't realize how single life is so great until a woman walks in then it's all over .


Seems like married men don't have friends - they have their wives friends' husbands as acquaintances. In today's world of toxic feminism, I have been immeasurably happier and more content alone. Every time I try dating, it's just painful. And I can attest to the money thing. I only make $40-50k/yr but I can live more like I'm making 80k+....house and car are paid off.


The reason many married men have no friends is because they are slaves to their wives. I've met a few of those men and couldn't get five minutes of their time without the wife interrupting and making demands, which of course, her pet husband complied with immediately. It was almost as if the man was living with his overbearing mother.


I just turn 34 still single never been married, living the Bachelor life. You can’t go wrong with it. No drama, No BS, No Manipulation. It’s freedom to do whatever you want. Stack your money up and get some hobbies.


I'm 61, have an very excellent career, paid cash for both my condo and Honda Pilot, and I tell you truthfully with G-d as my witness...I have never been lonely. I've never been married and never once been on a date. I collect antiques, I collect old books ( I have several thousand) and do what I want with my spare time.

Recently, a married guy I know who claims to be fairly happily married, commented that he wished he could do as I did on my last vacation. In passing he asked me what I did on vacation, and I told him I simply sat around listening to Beethoven and reading. He just sighed. He said he couldn't remember the last time he could sit and read a book. Any book.

Now, I make $118, 000 a year. He admittedly makes about $180, 000, more or less I guess. His wife makes about the same. He's an attorney. Yes, he makes more. Combined, a lot more.

But I can read a book. Lots of books.

Any time I want.

So there.😜


I'm more at peace being single than I ever was in any sort of relationship.


I am the guy they are talking about and am in my mid-40s now. After several bad relationships between age 20 to about 37-38, I finally gave up on wanting to find 'miss right', and while it does get lonely at times, it beats the hell out of dealing with a psycho, a cheater, gold digger or some combination of all three.


After divorce at 32, 2 years later I'm out of debt, cleaned out my diet and increased my health, muscle mass and education. I've got a better job, loved states somewhere closer to people like me. I work alone, I live alone, I've been much happier then ever.
