THE BOYS Black Noir Explained | Full Comic Book Story Breakdown, Powers & Origins

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THE BOYS Black Noir Explained | Full Comic Book Story Breakdown, Powers & Origins. We discuss Black Noir's entire story and what happens to him at the end of the comic book series.
#TheBoys #BlackNoir #Homelander
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Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show I'm your host Paul aka Homielander and though I've talked about Black Noir in The Boys TV Show, I've not really touched on how he's portrayed in the comic books.
I've just finished another read through of The Boys graphic novels and have to say that this is probably one of my favourite comic book arcs of all time. So I thought I go into Black Noir so we can really get a grip on where the show could be going in the future.
Now in order to talk about him properly we have to talk about Homelander himself. The comic culminates with him turning on his masters at Vought and the villain causes a superhero uprising that ends with the supes surrounding the White House whilst he sits in the oval office holding the presidents head in his hand.
It's at this point that Mother's Milk discovers the darkest secret about the character and what really led to this moment.
We learn that Homelander was actually grown from Stomfront's DNA. Stormfront was just a kid that was injected with Compound V but Homelander was supposed to be the refined version of what a superhero could be and Vought worked on the character before he was even born.
When Homelander's mother was pregnant she was injected with copious amounts of Compound V and paid to carry it to term.
However things went awry and Homelander ripped his way out of his mothers abdomen and burned most of the scientsists alive with his laser beams.
Needless to say, Vought were completely terrified by this and thus they raised him underground with a nuke beside him at all times.
Vought put a lot of money into Homelander and they didn't really want to to pull the plug on him because of one incident so they simply kept him in their labs, watched over him and tried to impart on him social cues and how to interact as a human.
After a while they determined that they couldn't really blame a newborn baby for doing what it did and put it down as a one off mistake that isn't the childs fault.
However, they also realise that they need a contingency plan in place to kill Homelander should it ever come to it and as a bomb isn't that practical, they decide to do something different.
With Homelander's DNA profile Vought decide to build something new, something better and that is black noir.
Noir is the perfect clone of Homelander, however he doesn't disobey the company and is instead told of his one job in life which is to kill Homelander should it ever come to it.
Vought assemble the Seven and put their ultimate weapon right next to the target, leading to them possessing the perfect contingency plan should it ever come down to it.
Now Homelander has no idea and he is happy as he gets to be in charge of the group. Mirroring this, Black Noir is happy as well as he's with his target at all time and should he ever get the word, he can complete the mission that is the one reason that he exists.
Homelander actually comes to like Noir throughout their time together as all he sees is a loyal lap dog that's willing to do whatever he says no matter what.
► Artist Attribution
Artwork @mb0sco
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Music By: "KaizanBlu"
Track Name: "Take Me With You"
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
#TheBoys #BlackNoir #Homelander
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Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show I'm your host Paul aka Homielander and though I've talked about Black Noir in The Boys TV Show, I've not really touched on how he's portrayed in the comic books.
I've just finished another read through of The Boys graphic novels and have to say that this is probably one of my favourite comic book arcs of all time. So I thought I go into Black Noir so we can really get a grip on where the show could be going in the future.
Now in order to talk about him properly we have to talk about Homelander himself. The comic culminates with him turning on his masters at Vought and the villain causes a superhero uprising that ends with the supes surrounding the White House whilst he sits in the oval office holding the presidents head in his hand.
It's at this point that Mother's Milk discovers the darkest secret about the character and what really led to this moment.
We learn that Homelander was actually grown from Stomfront's DNA. Stormfront was just a kid that was injected with Compound V but Homelander was supposed to be the refined version of what a superhero could be and Vought worked on the character before he was even born.
When Homelander's mother was pregnant she was injected with copious amounts of Compound V and paid to carry it to term.
However things went awry and Homelander ripped his way out of his mothers abdomen and burned most of the scientsists alive with his laser beams.
Needless to say, Vought were completely terrified by this and thus they raised him underground with a nuke beside him at all times.
Vought put a lot of money into Homelander and they didn't really want to to pull the plug on him because of one incident so they simply kept him in their labs, watched over him and tried to impart on him social cues and how to interact as a human.
After a while they determined that they couldn't really blame a newborn baby for doing what it did and put it down as a one off mistake that isn't the childs fault.
However, they also realise that they need a contingency plan in place to kill Homelander should it ever come to it and as a bomb isn't that practical, they decide to do something different.
With Homelander's DNA profile Vought decide to build something new, something better and that is black noir.
Noir is the perfect clone of Homelander, however he doesn't disobey the company and is instead told of his one job in life which is to kill Homelander should it ever come to it.
Vought assemble the Seven and put their ultimate weapon right next to the target, leading to them possessing the perfect contingency plan should it ever come down to it.
Now Homelander has no idea and he is happy as he gets to be in charge of the group. Mirroring this, Black Noir is happy as well as he's with his target at all time and should he ever get the word, he can complete the mission that is the one reason that he exists.
Homelander actually comes to like Noir throughout their time together as all he sees is a loyal lap dog that's willing to do whatever he says no matter what.
► Artist Attribution
Artwork @mb0sco
► Artist Attribution
Music By: "KaizanBlu"
Track Name: "Take Me With You"
Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)