Saving the ocean to protect our future - Ahead of the UN Ocean Conference

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The time is now to scale up ocean action, for the sake of our lives and the future of our planet. This month, the global community will ‘set sail’ towards the 2022 UN Ocean Conference convened in the Portuguese capital of Lisbon on 27 June - 1 July. The stakes are high, and the ambition is to turn the tide in favor of our blue planet.

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Civilized societies raised with a sense of responsibility solve these problems. Nature will either demand from us or punish us for what we get.


Is it the ordinary citizen destroying the ocean and planet or mega corporations?


respected, it's a good thing we are standing for your help, but how do you connect with us, i have sent 10, 000 messages to united nations but no response,


USA has already had the supper with cooked steak bacon for next few days. and preaching to countries anyhow making up for their lunch.


Mungkin saja para pemimpin dunia dan perserikatan bangsa-bangsa lebih memilih untuk berburu recehan 150 dollar Amerika seperti negara adidaya Amerika serikat ketimbang pusing mementingkan keselamatan umat manusia dari bahaya perang nuklir
Benarkah demikian ?


Not rushing to judgement (eg, Bernie Sanders: "HOLOCAUST!!!"), as NATO upon Serbia, with DU munitions iradiating the land, and runoff into the sea for decades, would help the oceans.


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The people thinks that the ocean is very far away or that this is a topic of others, and all that we are doing dairy is impacting in the ocean.
Thinking in big is like to save the future, and this is the most important and transcendental challenge and commitment of the year! 🌊🌎🌍🌏🌊✌️🌞


I am the Divine Spirit named Stolposvet, incarnated in the body of a Living Human with his own name Victor, a Man's Rank, being in the service of a Kind and a true Russian People, possessing all the rights and titles of a Soviet Human, I give orders for any creatures, created entities, parasites and parasitic systems, other aliens and other inhumans I command:
1. In order to fulfill the good Will of the People and for the Benefit of All Humanity, close and dissolve all organizations involved in the veiled genocide of the people of planet Earth (Midgard).
2. To everyone who is engaged in the introduction, development, manufacture, distribution, maintenance and application of devices, mechanisms and substances that affect the genome, subconscious, consciousness and superconsciousness of any intelligent life form on planet Earth (Midgard) in the Solar System of the Milky Way Galaxy, as well as all types of devices that affect on the natural structure of space, immediately disable and destroy all means of influence and stop the placement of satellites, ground-based emitters and spraying of components from aircraft and other technical devices;
3. To all captured confused souls to show the whole truth about the influence of the services of the hassle on them and remove all burdens;
4. To all structures of the so-called "global project" and their other shareholders, founders, trustees, all structures of the so-called "global government", to transfer to Living Men and Living Women all ancestral papers, manuscripts, chronicles, liabilities, assets, results from their use and resources.
5. To convey this EXPRESSION OF WILL to everyone voluntarily or unwittingly involved in the structures of interception (capture) of the management of Humanity, destructive structures, and notify all personnel that with regular and official replacements, each new participant in the above processes is burdened with this EXPRESSION OF WILL from the moment of employment or taking office or service.

For all those who consciously participate in the genocide of Humanity, I demand the Highest Justice and responsibility, paid with blood responsible to Living Men and Living Women.
The will of choice is not violated, for non-fulfillment - deprivation of life and transfer to the inferno.
May it be so for All time according to the laws of Dimensionality and prescribed in Eternity according to the Creative Canon of the Universe for the Absolute Benefit of All Humanity
