Tutorial - Connecting GTD/Evernote with The Secret Weapon and the Full Focus Planner

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If you are a fan of David Allen's GTD system, Evernote and the Secret Weapon I want to show you how I use the Michael Hyatt Full Focus Planner to bring it all together for a game changer of a Productivity System.

Thanks to Michael Hyatt and the Free Focus Planner for encouraging me to make this video.
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The best integrated productivity system I've ever watched. I have been a long-term fan of GTD, after training in maximizing productivity with Day Timers.

Recently I choose Evernote out of a multitude of digital tools for GTD. As I was working on various Evernote systems for getting the most out of the Evernote tool, learning the ins and outs of the product, I discovered Michael Hyatt's Full Focus Planner which was gifted to me to sample and arrived today. So this videos with The Secret Weapon Manifesto was the perfect delight of my day! Thank you Pastor for showing me "the Way"!


Subscribed! I read the comments and it's super impressive. I think if you continue to create this video your channel can really go big!


Just a quick note. Michael Hyatt's product is called the Full Focus Planner. Other than that, great video!


Great video. I've long tried to utilize & integrate the GTD system into OneNote as that is what I am familiar with. I just received my first FFP and am a new VIP member of BYE. Also I had already determined to take my favorite pieces of various planners to create my own for 2018. It's a process, but I enjoy working on it. My head is spinning a bit as I take in this new information and continue to figure out the best system for me & how my brain works. Thank again for sharing this. Blessings!


Would like to hear about your in house CRM and how you use it with Evernote. I left Evernote for a year and once back realized it is the best tool for me and took a lot of pressure off me.


Best video every. You need to make more of these.


Great video BJM. I had to check you up on the web when I saw some familiar words in your tags like «stake» and «Stake conference» etc. So it seems we do not only share the love for Evernote but also for the gospel. Many greetings from Norway ☺️


Great video and process of integration. I’m going to try it. Thank you.


Excellent video. Brings 2 systems I use together. One question. When do you go through the categories other than NOW?


I also use Evernote to find physical "stuff" at home.

Therefore have several boxes or storagespaces (e.g. bags on a cabinet or under a bed).

So what I did is, I created a nested stack of Notebooks with the name of these places.

Now, when i put something into such a place, I also create/put a note in Evernote with the name of this object in that Notebook.

Or I put several objects/Things on a longer Note (the Note has the name of the place (e.g. big red Box on the basement self) and put it into the Header Notebookstack.

Now whenever I surge physical for something, i just look into Evernote, surge there for name of the object. ... Boom,  it appears in the Notebook or in the Note with the name of place. 

Now I know exactly where in my Home this object is.


This is the best of the best. I've been using GTD for years and am a big Evernote fan, but nothing has ever brought it all together like this! But I have a question: for the context of "where" I see the TSW users suggest using the "@" in front of the location. Makes sense, but when I do that and I sort my active matters by tag, the "when" items are no longer the lead tag and therefor it doesn't sory by priority. Instead the "@" symbol moves to the front of the list. I've fixed this by simply using my location contexts without the leading "@" symbol, but I'm wondering if there is another fix that will allow me to keep the symbol?


Great video, thank you. Just wondering how you keep track of individual projects? I looks like you have them all in one flat category, but I suspect I missed something. Thanks again!


Hi Ben, this is of great value. How do you integrate your ical to this? Thanks.


You mentioned in the video a Workflow Template ... is that something you created or is that a EN template?


Thank you! It was very helpful to see how you have taken the best tools and processes to great an organized, easy to use "slay the day" strategy. I love it! I also use evernote, but haven't had it as organized. I'm also wondering about the Workflow template you mentioned.


I think that you will change my life, thanks!


Has anyone reading this found a way around this issue?


You mentioned in the video a Workflow Template. Can you send me a copy? Thanks!


After watching may productivity and GTD processes and apps to use, I wonder why none of this is taught in schools.


I would love a copy of the workflow template that you mentioned, noticed you offerred to send by email to a few users, not sure how to send you my email if you are still willing to share this tool.
