What happens at a Sentencing Hearing in Federal Criminal Court?

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More than 90% of all Federal Criminal Cases resolve by plea.

This statistic is staggering and sheds light on why the Sentencing Hearing in Federal Court becomes the most important impression that an accused will have on the Court. Join me as I discuss the Importance of the Sentencing and how we approach preparing an Accused and his or her family for a Hearing. ❤️⚖️ #lawyers #litigation #attorney #criminaldefense #attorneys #criminaldefenseattorney #triallawyer #criminaljustice #ladylawyer #justiceforall #criminaljusticereform #juvenilejustice #endmassincarceration #davislegalfl #westillworkingoverhere #innocence #federaldefender #workingonfreeingpeople #federalcriminaldefenselawyer #justicesystem #alldreamswelcome #westillbelieve
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Thank you for your posting here. I just wish it was longer and gave a bit more info as to a typical hearing in a district federal court.
