Religion, suffering, and Assisted Dying | Vox Pop | The Doran Lecture

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Religious people share why they support an assisted dying law and why it's not in opposition to their religious beliefs.




My Death, My Decision is a right-to-die campaign organisation that wants to see a more compassionate approach to dying in the UK, including giving people the opportunity to have a medically assisted death if that is their considered choice (assisted dying).

We believe that medically assisted dying should be available to all mentally competent adults with incurable health problems that reduce their quality of life permanently below the level they are willing to accept, provided this is their own persistent request.

Unlike Dignity in Dying (the largest UK assisted dying campaign group), we do not think this option should be restricted to those who are terminally ill with a prognosis of 6 months or less. Many people are left incurably suffering for longer than 6 months. Doctors are not always able to give an accurate 6 month prognosis. Doctor opposition to the 6 month criterion was one of the reasons why recent attempts to introduce assisted dying legislation was rejected.
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Please can I ask as I am at the end, how do I afford Switzerland when I do not have the funds? I cannot suffer anymore daily in excruciating agony, so traumatized when I was last in hospital and saw patients thrashing in pain without assistance. I remember asking the nurse of a young man in agony, can you not do anything to help him with his pain. Her reply was, we cannot do anything, it is assault. Well, that is not dignity, that is torture. Please can you reply to me as I am at the end and cannot bear the pain any longer? Are there any other options? I do not want to end my life by suicide, I want dignity and support to stop the suffering. TIA x.
