How To Find Purple Sail Solar Ship | No Man's Sky Outlaws S Class Solar Ship

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How To Find Purple Sail Solar Ship | No Man's Sky Outlaws S Class Solar Ship

There are new Solar Ships in No Man's Sky Outlaws, and we have found a Purple Solar Sail ship!! This ship looks so cool and you can get a S Class Ship if you have the patience to wait for one......

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Once again this channel never disappoints, I’ve found so many ships thanks to you, and finally this one. I will say that there are so many bases built around the trade center that not 1 landed on the actual trade center platforms. I barely saw it with the storm going on and it landed at someone’s base, I made it there and got it first try. A-class, now an S class. Thanks again !


Jason, thx for the video...I went to the system and landed at the Trading Post. 2 Solar ships landed, 1st was a C-class and the 2nd was an S-class. It wasn't the Purple Sail Solar, but I purchased it anyways...Reloaded my manual save. Next round came in 2 of the Purple Sail ships came in, again 1st one was a C-class and the 2nd one was an minutes and had 2 S-class Solar ships...great video, thx again.


Looks advanced, on another level.

Hello Games have set such a high standard now.

Ship customisations now and I'll be a happy man. I found a solar ship which is yellow


I was new and on my starter planet out looking for a cave and randomly saw a parked ship. There was a gek walking around selling upgrades. His ship happened to be an amazing, light purple and silver, with purple sails, S class Solar fighter for 4 million credits, (which I luckily just barely had).


Thanks Jason! I got an S Class on first reload! Amazing luck and a first for me after many ship hunts 🎉🥳


There is a video here in YT of a guy showing a White and Gold ship, with Cyan Sails.
It has to be the best and coolest ship, I would recommend checking it Jason and uploading it here for more views on the ship, it's just beautiful


I hope HG sees, through this update, just how big a deal it is to players to add new ships and increase the number of ships we can have. The ability to paint our ships will be huge too. To the purists who say painting ships will kill exploring, I just spent 2 hours searching Korvax 3 star systems for the largest dreadnought. And we can paint freighters. : /


The color of the ship and the solar sail looks awesome! I'm definitely going after this one!


FYI someone thought it was smart to build a watch tower w/ multiple landing pads right next to the outpost. Now everytime you spawn only one ship appears at a time


I went here and immediately found an S class solar ship with these really cool looking small hexagonal orange sails


I was looking for one specifically with purple sails but its so hard to tell the Solars apart sometimes. So I'm going for this one since the all grey body is easy to spot!


My nieces favourite colour is purple, we flying this ship around now lol. Thanx Jason and community. 👌


This is a nice looking one for sure. I'm debating releasing the coordinates for a few sick ones that I've found. I kinda don't want other people in my little corner of the Euclid to be honest...


You got t! And the sails are the nice round ones too. I actually think the dark gray hull looks better than a purple one would, and the sickle wing style is awesome and not often seen.


There's another all white with purple hex sails on the coordinate exchange reddit as well. These solar ships look so nice imo.


The first solar ship I found was an A class and had a white body purple sails.


I have the same ship. White and black, red/orange rectangle sails with a circle cut out it in front of the cockpit. Almost found a full S class set of pilots to use it. Just having issues matching the pilots outfit with the ship while also finding a S class pilot with S class stats, or one that can grow to have multiple S class stats.


Once I get the portal in my world I definitely will go for this. It kind of looks like a recolor of my yellow and red solar which is awesome.


Didn't even get a chance to watch your vid! Was at a trade post ship hunting. A S class shows up... Cheap. So I purchase it. Take it for a spin... Purple wings!! Thought Jason would love it! Though it's red body :(. Lol. Now gotta watch yours! I'm finding the s class options are kinda high spawn rate. I've found Four so far with very little looking.. seems good news!


I found an S class white solar with grey accents… with baby blue sails. Not the circle or rectangle shape sails but the other one.
As soon as I saw it I knew it was my soul mate.
