Tim Maudlin - Philosophy of Fine-Tuning

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Assuming that the fine-tuning of our universe is real, what would it mean? Scientists, philosophers, even theologians weigh in, spinning the fine-tuning story to support their own worldviews. But philosophers have a higher calling here: they need to apply rigorous thinking and analytical methods to discern deep issues and implications.

Tim Maudlin is a philosopher of science and a Professor of Philosophy at New York University.

Closer To Truth, hosted by Robert Lawrence Kuhn and directed by Peter Getzels, presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
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Any result looked at retrospectively will appear fine-tuned. If I were to toss a cue ball onto a table full of billiard balls, it would cause a series of events to take place. If I were to measure every minute detail about the result and then ask, "How was the cue ball thrown to achieve this, " I would discover unimaginably thin margins for error.


What happened to this video? It wasn't in their posting list yesterday, but now it's popped up 2 days old with only a few comments from yesterday.


Fine tuning means doing the exceptional practicals after you have achieved the actual theory. Theory can't be observed actively, but it can be applied actively via practical minute, hourly in miles, and daily, under a specific or right time of day. It is for your benefit and I.


We just don't know, but it's great people try to figure it out. Even if they are wrong, they have enlarged our knowledge.


it means you turn the knobs as long as it is needed to make the numbers match...


could physical laws and constants of nature develop from causation?


He definies fine tuning showing It is predict how figure Universe out. However Fine tuning it is inconsistency with random reality of the Universe . Predict Universe though fine tuning is Impossible. Matter of fact he concept about fine tuning is no sense face with emperism verification. It is keep out any true evidence about fine tuning .


Deep reality is pure agreement the table is there at that moment was agreement and this agreement is for my experiences all you experience is through imagination


Do these guys get paid to do this? I hope it is not tax dollars…


What if humans in far future or some aliens finds methods to research about universe finds that values for fine tuning are negligible? Since we have method now which shows massive difference, doesn't mean all methods will be the same


If data created by man can be transformed to predict the future, humans an transform both self and data to an unfathomable height from doing their rites. We did it as newborns, i am absolutely sure we can do it again. You just need to ignore limitations such as the seven deadly sins.


What’s next? A Philosophy of Eating Fast Food?!


Your work as an self-defined instructor to your being defines an extra world only you can operate. Hence you have a natural gift that can be transformed to a supernatural kind. The bible is the sweetest book in my whole being. Homeostasis.


Fine tunning is a solution(god) that is looking for a problem to solve, so one was made up to satisfy the believers. Yes, the multi-verse is just as made up. It was made up to show the believers just how easy it is to make something up. LOL
