'My Husband Is Turning Into A Grumpy Old Man' | Paul Friedman
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Your marriage is a setup for incredible success, incredible happiness, and love, very fulfilling but like an automobile that is a setup to go somewhere. You don't just get in it and go. You have to work it and it's that way with a marriage. And if your husband now is turning into a grumpy old man, well, let's take a look instead of his being a grumpy old man. Let's take a look at the marriage as a whole. Let's back away from labeling him and let's take a look and go, "He's grumpy." What does that mean? That means that he's not happy. Now we're not going to diagnose your husband any further than that but that's not a really difficult diagnosis, is it? If he were happy he wouldn't be grumpy. Grumpiness is what you are and you are too from time to time. When you're not feeling good, you're grumpy cranky. And so the complaint here may be a little bit off target in terms of wanting to resolve it because you have so much power as his wife to be the cause for his unbelievable happiness. I'm not suggesting you can fix him. No, I'm not talking about that but I'm talking about putting into his environment which is what you are. Besides his own mind, you are his environment. Of course, he has other environments too Where he works or he goes to the store but that's nothing. You're his environment. So as an environment, we know that environment is even stronger than willpower. Our environment has so much influence on us.
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