A Day in the Life of an Angel - Swedenborg and Life

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Heart-warming homes, joyous communities, and fulfilling jobs.
These are all part of an angel’s life in the spiritual world. And there’s much more…
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In this episode, host Curtis Childs guides us through 18th-century spiritual seer Emanuel Swedenborg’s recorded explorations of the afterlife to see what they reveal about the lives of angels.






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★☆★THE HOST★☆★

Curtis Childs is the digital media producer at the Swedenborg Foundation. While obtaining his degree in communication studies from Oakland University, Curtis experienced an internal battle with depression that led him to question God and his lifelong interest in Swedenborgian theology. After a period of intense suffering, he recovered from his depression with the help of modern medicine, therapy, and a return to the spiritually uplifting messages he found in Swedenborg’s writings. Now, Curtis is applying his education and desire to help others find peace through Swedenborg’s insights by producing and hosting weekly webcasts.


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Wow, what wonderful info. I have been crying for most of this teaching. I am so "home sick". What is waiting for us, who are faithful and love Majesty YHWH with all our heart, cannot be described!!


Amazon Curtis I love you and you are an angel on this earth, well done honestly to everyone on this show. Thank you love light blessing


TY Curtis. This is my go to channel when I am down and out and questioning my faith.


Thank you for helping me get away from the dark night of the soul! Hallelujah!


GREAT JOB OffThelefteye. Big fan of Swedenborg...lots of truth as I know it.


We are so fortunate to have this show. SB can be tough reading. However, this show is easy and fun. Thanks OTLE!


Angels sound like my kind of people. Peace of mind, happiness, being truthful and helpful . What a wonderful way to exist. Even though my heart is in the right place, I usually end up feeling disconnected from the world. It leaves you with an empty feeling. You look at the difficult lives of people, animals and insects and wonder why God created them and why they experience difficulties they do and then you begin to wonder why you are here or the situation you were born into and how you can carry that through your entire life. I used to think my life here was a random thing ( like throwing dice, either your number comes up or it doesn’t) or was the result of karma or a sentence handed down for a previous life ( incarnation) but Swedenborg doesn’t seem to think so after talking with the angels. Perhaps it’s just a learning process.? I hope so.😀😀👍


I Love This Topic 🌟 ☁ 🌟 ☁.. I Love Angels 👼 👼.. Nice Story Telling Curtis... I Salure You.. Captain.


That’s wonderful news any of us can be an angel and do useful things and love our jobs I never thought in my life before I found this channel and Swedenborg’s teachings that’s a possibility for us it makes lots of sense never ever when I was reading a Bible I found the passage when it was said that God created angel and why not because we all can be one in afterlife thank You something to look forward to lots of hope for all of us ❤️


A few days after my mother's passing she came to my brother in a dream. My brother told us that Mom looked like a 12 year old but He knew that she is mom and the first thing she told him was that she is fine and there is so much to do here and that she is going to be very busy!


Sounds amazing! Would be honored to get there and help out. Imagine being around people you trust that understand and doesn't judge without this worlds shallow selfish competition, judgement, rudeness... That only looking at each others we understand how we are and are with others like us, no fear, no being misunderstood, what's inside counts. Having energy and time to do what's important without guilt for everything and everyone you can't get time to please without exhaustion and time taken from others.
That's a dream world. People with good intentions... And those who are too selfish and mean... They probably has the opportunity to learn and change, like a school, forever development. And those who with opportunity, health and all still won't care and help and rather hurt people, I think kind of like dogs who we love and are frustrated because we love them, want the best for them, try to help and teach them not to bite, attack and eat all the food alone, if we let them with all the dogs that wants to live safe and do good, those dogs aren't safe and can't build up a great community, because the dogs that have too much to learn about empathy for others, would make it impossible, like in this world, some always make life hard for those who are good and haven't the tools to build up a secure life, yet. I love the system, that the bad" dogs " aren't hated, they just have to be with like minded dogs, hopefully until they learn this isn't so cool to be bitten and robbed, I like those who are less jerks... Gradually after attacking and biting, they start to look up to angels who tells them, like in prisons for humans, behave, and you can get up a level and be with more behaved prisoners with more privilege... Because they naturally doesn't care for others, they probably needs much more time to develop empathy... Some more difficult, but think of our dogs... We feel for them and want them to understand and behave and we don't give up on them, but we can't let them ruin life for everyone we want to protect, that can be wiser and better and live in paradise to make it better and better and rather have the good dogs fly down and give them a taste of a better life and hope they learn in time by experience and getting a taste of loving, caring angels or dogs or spirit workers that has a job to love the bad ones and hope they'll graduate up a level and an other and an other... I imagine it to be kind of like that, after what I hear. What Swedenborg explain feels so right and logic and perfect. Maby the reason the Bible describe Hell and heaven so scary, maby it's a reason for it. To scare the not so good people to try to be good because of fear instead of the right reasons that good people naturally feel, but in this world so much can go wrong, temptations that lead down to consequences caring people didn't intended...
I don't know if it's a misunderstanding or scare tactic, maby to avoid people taking suicide to get faster to the other side, when life's too hard. Maby that's why? But when people get wiser, they evolve together and instead of getting scared into religion, people feel this all doesn't make sense, isn't love, and rather get further away from God because judge mental preachers, christian communities on earth that doesn't follow the essence of God that is what we seek... I feel if more people heard of Swedenborg and his explanations, especially with you explaining it so good to us.., that would make many people feel yes, this is what I feel is love! This is what I seek, this sounds so right! I want to belong so much to this good God, good angels, spirits, community and I see this is right in my heart. I wouldn't look forward to going to heaven if my loved ones burned in Hell and no one cared, we just had to accept they'll be tormented forever, FOR EVER, and just because they didn't believe in the religion rude, close minded preachers that only collected money for their luxurious private limousines and expensive suits, shunning the good people that needs help, but didn't live after the church standards. I can't say I blame a lot of people for not wanting a part of that. They see so much and experience so much evil and cry out, Jesus, help... Read some from the Bible, and feel this is not real or this doesn't sound right. Even tho a lot is amazing, the parts that seem to good people, not very Godly and what a loving god would say or do or let happen... So I struggled a lot with the Bible, before I came across this channel! This can't be made up! Too much feels so right, like the truth we know when we hear it. This is love, this is fair, this is as close to the truth, as I have heard, in my life. More people need to hear! I m so greatful for you people, in this channel! This can change the world, I believe if everyone heard, even violent religions.. A lot of those people, would also feel in their hearts the truth, the love, when they hear it.
Thank you again, and sorry for my clumsy too long rant. 💛


Thank you for posting this uplifting teaching of Swedenborg's report of the spirit world.


IT'S too magnificent to swallow .. I know it's Real, makes one want to go now and leave this place and live in beauty and peace with God -&.with loved ones and
Angels.. My best friend said that he was shown HEAVEN..GOD showed him a long table that went for miles and miles and that there were Many people sitting at this beautiful table being served by Angels food and Heavenly wine and that every one was beautiful. And God told him never to forget what he has showed him.. Can't wait to behold The beauty of HEAVEN..


I love ur show.!! Thank u for introducing Swedenborg..I love watching about Angels..keep them coming..God bless u More OffTheLeftEye ..sending u all angels hugs 👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼


What could be more important than what we are do throughout eternity! I will always remember what you have taught tonight. So many thanks from all of us!


This show is really spiritually helping me I want to be more kind more happy and less angry. I love this show I want to donate


Such. a beautiful. Scenario! Felt. Like. Heaven! Thank. You!


Just became a member and made a donation honoring my late husband - William Edward Todd - who is now experiencing the Spirit World while I read about what he is up to up there! 👼


I hope I get to be a spiritual mountain woman and learn to be a wiser and more beautiful soul.


Another outstanding segment! Thank you so much.
