We Went Back To America After 10 Months.

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We're back in the US baby! But only for 24 hours...🤔

Since we were going to speak at the Travel Summit in Toronto, Canada, we had an extended layover in the US on the way - and in a new city no less! We'd never been to Pittsburgh before, and we took this chance to explore the city and do all the stuff we usually do when we come back to the US🇺🇸

We might just be coming back later to see more of the United States and see if there's anywhere we would like to call home...😉


We’re Oskar🧔🏻 and Dan👱🏻‍♂️, and we believe that anyone regardless of who they are deserves to live their dreams! For the past nine years, we’ve continued pushing boundaries by traveling and living all across the world, including places like Uganda, Brunei, and Saudi Arabia. In 2022, we reached a huge milestone by visiting 100 countries and we’re now on a mission to keep sharing our journey and hopefully make the world a little more open, compassionate, and peaceful along the way❤️

Thank you for being a part of the journey!



The United States was country number 5 together🌍

In this video, we spend time in Pittsburgh, the second-largest city in Pennsylvania. Oskar previously lived in Philadelphia for a year in high school, and this was our first time together in his former home state. Although we are both Swedish, Dan is half-American and has family in New York.

Thank you for watching!🙏😍

0:00 First impressions on returning to the US
2:55 Out on the town in Pittsburgh
5:30 The best place in the US?
6:50 One of our biggest travel essentials
8:02 Whole Foods!!
10:50 The top sight in Pittsburgh (scary experience)
13:30 We ALWAYS do this when we visit the US
15:18 Final thoughts
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Thank you guys for watching this fun little layover adventure😍 Would you like to see more United States videos?

Thanks to TESSAN for sponsoring today's video!


I’ve mentioned this before but I’m so blown away at how relaxed and comfortable the both of you are now. It’s so great to see!!!


I screamed when the video started because I’m from Pittsburgh but also I was like “WHY are they HERE?!” I do have a modicum of hometown pride but can definitely agree that the city (downtown proper anyway) is really suffering. My office is downtown but we have worked from home since 2020. I go into the office occasionally and sadly, never feel very comfortable walking around downtown. And I used to LOVE my lunch break walks down there too.

Thank you for visiting and finding some positive aspects while you were here!


OMG imagine my surprise when I saw you were in my city, Pittsburgh! Ok, so let's set the record straight. First, Pittsburgh was an industrial city up until the 1980s with the steel mills. Those days are over. It is now a banking, healthcare, tech and university city. You are correct that the downtown are is pretty dead outside of the daytime when people are there for work. Even that has lessened since the big "C" word occurred as many people work from home now. However, there are very few US cities where the downtown is vibrant and lots of people live there. Even LA is not a great place to live downtown. However, in terms of Pittsburgh, you don't need to leave the city limits to find nice areas. Pittsburgh is indeed a city of neighborhoods. Most of the vibrant and happening ones are in the east part of the city. They are the trendy and more youth driven ones like Shadyside, Lawrenceville, East Liberty, Regent Square, Squirrel Hill, the Strip District, and Oakland (where the universities are and the major hospitals). Considering Pittsburgh size, it has a lot going on. It was highly influenced by European settlers but has had an influx of Asian, Indian, and Middle Eastern residents, particularly in the neighborhoods I mentioned and are highly educated. Google has an expanded office in the Shadyside/East Liberty area where many of the Gen Z/Millennial geeks wander and live. Mt Washington (where you were) and below (Southside) are 2 other areas that have unique and vibrant neighborhoods. The Southside is where lots of bars and other very one-off shops & restaurants are. It's not my favorite place at night as it can get rowdy! I have lived outside of Pittsburgh and traveled the world, and Pittsburgh is not NYC, but there are only a few cities on the planet that are even close, so using that as a measuring stick, is not wise. Come back and I will take you to the places you need to go. Contrary to some beliefs, Pittsburgh is always voted one of the most livable cities in the US and usually in the top 50 in the world. Not bad for a smaller city! If you are looking for easy access to Toronto, NYC, Chicago, DC, Philly, and other cities in the same radius, Pittsburgh is centrally located. For someone who loves to travel like myself, I can drive to Toronto in 4 1/2 hours, and most of the other cities in 4-6 hours. I like it because it is very affordable and a good hub to explore the world! Enjoy Toronto!


As an American, having watched you guys travel to so many cool places all over the world, I'm so excited to now see your travels through the US and your perspective on these different places!


That travel adapter looks great, I like it!
OMG ~ American supermarket food looks so good!
Pittsburgh is a city mentioned in the TV series Queer As Folk, so you can consider living there!
Thanks a lot for sharing, really great job! 👍😍🙏


Pro tip: An audiologist can make a customized earplug for sleeping that fits like a glove with no pressure and it won't fall out accidentally. And thanks for the Tessan adapter endorsement. I just received mine yesterday, but I hadn't researched it very much beforehand.


OMG I was in PIT a few weeks ago to meet colleagues and get a vibe check! Compared to the (Pacific) west coast cities, I found the city to be more beautiful and safer. Lots of historical homes, better architecture, pretty solid food scene (esp West Indian and Middle Eastern) and lush, bright greenery.


I loved this video and seeing your reactions to Pittsburgh. I am sad though that you didn’t find a good walkable neighborhood for dining and socializing. They definitely exist in Pittsburgh. Your point about not assuming downtown is the best neighborhood for visitors is very true. Btw the nickname of Whole Foods is “whole paycheck”. 😅


Great to see both of your smiling faces! Loved the editing in this one - looking forward to watching you both on this journey to find “home” 💕


You guys are the best. Can’t wait to hear where you decide to call home.


I grew up in NYC, and its so hard to compare anyplace else in the United States. It's one of the top cities in the world. I also spent two years living in Pittsburgh, and I'm glad to got to experience the charm of the Duquesne Incline and that amazing view of the Three Rivers.

I think your takeaway is fair, Pgh is a bit rough but also has some adorable suburbs. It's NOT Philadelphia, but is definitely more "Midwest" -- an old rustbelt city that has rebounded from the post-Industrial age well.


How fun! My grandparents were from Pittsburgh. So visited there many times flying in and out of PIT. Fond memories. Am intrigued by your summer US travels. Look forward to the vlogs. Happy Pride ❤️🌈


I’m so glad you acknowledged the downtown debate when traveling to North America. I feel like European cities due to their age and culture, primarily have a city centre as the place to be for tourists. I’ve recently come to terms with this not being the case for many North American, including Canadian cities now I live in Calgary.
Outside of downtown, Calgary is absolutely stunning with so many beautiful neighbourhoods! I’m so glad I wasn’t put off moving here by all of the downtown horror stories and most tourists could get away with not setting foot downtown but still maximising their time in these types of cities.


PITTSBURGH (KDKA) - New data from VisitPITTSBURGH suggests that Pittsburgh ranks among the top safest cities in the United States. The research identifies Pittsburgh as the No. 1 safest city with regard to property crime and is the third-safest city against violent crime.Oct 3, 2023


I really LOVED this video. You guys can't make enjoyable videos even in a place like that 😀


Speaking of the USA, you guys should go to the Twin Cities in Minnesota! I heard that the culture is very good and that there are many people who are descendants of the Scandinavian, German, and Irish.


I like your images of Pittsburgh, but your video shows some of the perils of what I'm going to start calling "Fast Travel" (like "Fast Food").
Two very different places that you missed in Pittsburgh were the Andy Warhol Museum and Clayton, the Frick Mansion.
Andy Warhol grew up in Pittsburgh and went to university there (Carnegie Mellon). He bequeathed a lot of his art to his home town.
Henry Clay Frick was a Gilded Age billionaire who made his fortune in the Pittsburgh coal and steel industries. Clayton was his family mansion, and houses his furniture and art collection.
I haven't been back to Pittsburgh since the pandemic but back then it had lovely parks and very good restaurants downtown.


OMG. . .that comment from Oskar about how open Americans are. . .I was DYING LAUGHING!!!!

Let me clarify, I am Korean by DNA and birth BUT I've lived in the states for over 40 years no. So genetically I am Korean BUT mentally I am American. When I visited, Korea over 20 years ago, I did not realize how American I was until I started to get the weird looks from other Koreans as I was smiling when I made eye contact and was just openly talking and being friendly to other Koreans. . .LOL

It just brought back memories of ALL the odd looks that I got. . .OMG. . .I am crying!!!! LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Welcome to the East coast and Pittsburgh. I also went to college outside of Philadelphia and actually did student teaching in Philly. So glad to see you guys in US.
