Danny Dorling Seven Children Q&A the new government #short
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Q: What will the UK’s new government do about child poverty?
Danny Dorling, University of Oxford geographer and renowned inequalities
expert, talks about his new book Seven Children (Hurst). What needs to
happen for child poverty to be addressed, and for the next generation
not to live in a Britain as unequal as the one we live in today?
“Realising it isn't inevitable. And then ask, you know, ask, okay, so
who's in charge of the government? What’s the name of the political
party? Where did it come from? What is that political party supposed to
stand for? Who built it up? Does it have a backbone, a soul, anything
“To what degree is it simply stupidity and ignorance amongst those
members of that political party who are forming the government, that
they tolerate this, as they have done so far in 2024? Or, much more
worryingly, to what extent is that party now run by people whose beliefs
have very little to do with what that party was formed to achieve.
“I want people to think about that and ask, ask and ask again, and when
told it is not appropriate to ask, or don't worry your little head, or
we can't afford this, just keep asking. And ask them what's wrong with
them. Why don't they get it? Are they stupid, or are they callous?”
#inequality #UK #austerity #poverty #childhood #twochildbenefitcap
#parliament #statistics #Britain #childpoverty #children #LabourParty
Danny Dorling, University of Oxford geographer and renowned inequalities
expert, talks about his new book Seven Children (Hurst). What needs to
happen for child poverty to be addressed, and for the next generation
not to live in a Britain as unequal as the one we live in today?
“Realising it isn't inevitable. And then ask, you know, ask, okay, so
who's in charge of the government? What’s the name of the political
party? Where did it come from? What is that political party supposed to
stand for? Who built it up? Does it have a backbone, a soul, anything
“To what degree is it simply stupidity and ignorance amongst those
members of that political party who are forming the government, that
they tolerate this, as they have done so far in 2024? Or, much more
worryingly, to what extent is that party now run by people whose beliefs
have very little to do with what that party was formed to achieve.
“I want people to think about that and ask, ask and ask again, and when
told it is not appropriate to ask, or don't worry your little head, or
we can't afford this, just keep asking. And ask them what's wrong with
them. Why don't they get it? Are they stupid, or are they callous?”
#inequality #UK #austerity #poverty #childhood #twochildbenefitcap
#parliament #statistics #Britain #childpoverty #children #LabourParty